My Well Loved Birds


New member
Feb 2, 2014
cockatiel, green cheek conure, black cap conure
Hi my name is DD and I have three birds, my first bird a green cheek conure, his name is Buzz, I got him when I was going through some hard times from loss of my job. He became my best buddy, but now favours my husband since I clipped his wings he bites me. Then I rescued a bird from a terrible pet store that kept him up on a high shelf, he is a cockatiel that I named Dunny,, actually Cockatiel Dundee but shortened it. Then I got a black cap conure, I named Reilly, thinking he would pal around with Buzz but that didn't work out so well unfortunately. I had my best buddy Buzz for quite awhile but he doesn't like me now. It broke my heart but I am coming to terms with it now as three yrs later not much change from him. I know it is because I clipped him and now he doesn't trust me anymore. I clip the other two and no problems with them, but Buzz is Buzz and they all are different. I am hoping to get some ideas on here to help me with my beloved birds, and I do hope that someday Buzz will love me again. :green2:


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Although my flock's flighted, I've clipped in the past, but then there was nobody else to compete with, so maybe that helped them reconcile the wing clips, but I think I'd keep trying to regain his trust.....

By the way, welcome to the forums.....hope you enjoy your stay.....
What a pretty flock you have! and I LOVE Cockatiel Dundie's name, that is adorable! I just took my 2 to the vet this morning for a nail trimming, and they weren't happy about it, but didn't hold it against me. Maybe because the vet did it, not me? Maybe if you have someone else do Buzz's wing clip? These birds sure have minds of their own, don't they???

Welcome to the forum, feel free to post lots of pics, we love that!
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Although my flock's flighted, I've clipped in the past, but then there was nobody else to compete with, so maybe that helped them reconcile the wing clips, but I think I'd keep trying to regain his trust.....

By the way, welcome to the forums.....hope you enjoy your stay.....

Thank you for your message,, Buzz flies now as I haven't cut him since Jan, I do worry that he will get hurt but I am hopeful as he always fly's to my husband, I wish he would fly to me though. I will keep trying for sure thx again
Your flock is very cute! I have gcc and cockatiel too (plus 4 others) :) My birds are all flighted now, but I never had issues with them after I had clip them in past. Hopefully he will warm up again. My gcc used to hate my hubby and "defend" me from him, but now they are good friends. :)
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What a pretty flock you have! and I LOVE Cockatiel Dundie's name, that is adorable! I just took my 2 to the vet this morning for a nail trimming, and they weren't happy about it, but didn't hold it against me. Maybe because the vet did it, not me? Maybe if you have someone else do Buzz's wing clip? These birds sure have minds of their own, don't they???

Welcome to the forum, feel free to post lots of pics, we love that!

Thank you:green2:

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