My turn to ask for help!


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
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Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
The vet's not answering his phone and Dommie has cut himself on the very bottom of his biggest tumour! There's a slice of flesh hanging loose about 5mm in diameter and half a mm thick. It's attached by a strip of skin about 10mm wide. There is some blood, but it's not bleeding profusely so that's not what's worrying me. My question is, what can I do for first aid until I can get in to see the vet in the morning???

I tried to put cornflour on the wound, but Dom got a bit humid about that and bit the **** out of me. Now, he's too wary to even let me near him. My husband will probably be able to do whatever's necessary, but the next time we try, I want it to be the right thing! We'll only get one go at it, I think.

The only medicines I have here at home are human ones and I'm not about to experiment with those. I would just like to know what I should use to clean/sterilise the wound until tomorrow. If anyone can help, please answer ASAP! :(
Oh dear, poor Dom!! I am afraid I don't have any suggestions, no experience with this :( I would try to keep him quiet so that he doesn't aggrevate the wound at least. Ideally, you'd want some way to close it up a bit, I'd imagine but I can't think how! :(

I hope someone can chime in quickly to help!!
Hey Trish. Poor Dommie. I read somewhere that you can use diluted Savlon or hydrogen peroxide 1% if you have any of that. I will keep searching to see what I can come up with for you.

Ok so I did some more reading and you can use very diluted betadine (tea coloured) or 100% aloe vera.
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I've heard that cayenne papper paste is good for wounds. Poor guy! Hope he hangs in there and doesn't do more damage to himself until he can see the vet.
Thanks, guys! I've got peroxide, so I'll try that. My main worry is that because the tumour drags sometimes, dirt will get into the wound and make it infected. Thanks for the moral support - it's hard to think straight when your bird is hurt!

I think he cut himself with his own claw. I've been trying to summon up the courage to have a go at his claws, which are like needles, but clearly left it too late. The inside hind claw fits exactly where the wound is, so I'm guessing that was the culprit. :(
Hey Trish. It said to make a very weak solution as you don't want them ingesting to much of it. Google it if you like. I just googled human antiseptics for use in birds. Best of luck from Amanda and Bundii. Lots of warm hugs to Dommie.
He's a bit quiet tonight. I think I dabbed some peroxide on the wound (it's right at the bottom of the tumour, where it sits on the perch) and got bitten for my trouble. The bleeding hardly lasted at all and has stopped now, so that's a good thing. The wound appears to be clotted and crusting, so that's good too. I wish we could get rid of the rotten tumours forever - they just get between poor Dom and living his life!
Is there a way to have it removed, or did the vet recommend against it for some reasons?

I'm glad the bleeding has stopped and that it's scabbed.

That must have been such a scare. :(
I'm so glad that you have got the situation under control!
Glad everything is sorted! For future references, you can use Betadine :)
If you dilute it it won't sting as much as peroxide, and it will clean the wound well, as well as help stop the bleeding.
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If you don't have "quick stop powder" use some baking powder or corn starch, this will stop the bleeding. You may even have to towel him to apply.
i second betadine.

also, honey has antimicrobial properties, but its messy.

cayenne pepper paste has pain relief and natural anti-imflammatory and antiseptic properties. just need cayenne pepper powder mixed with warm water into a thick paste.

cinnamon also has antiseptic properties.

hang in there! all these fids are gonna make us all age early!
Poor Dom! And poor you! Hope the bite wasn't too bad, Trish. Make sure to dab some of that peroxide on your own wounds, as well. I hear cockatoo bites are none too pleasant.
And please keep us updated on Dom's condition once you get him to the vet.
With the time difference I never know if its day yet over there so forgive me please if I'm too early ;)

Has he been to the vet? What did the AV say? Been thinking about poor Dommie all day at work :(
Turmeric works very well on birds also, anti-inflammatory and prevents infections. You can dust it on dry and it will absorb any nasties and fluids. Hope it's just superficial and non-threatening.
Trish, how is Dommie this morning? I am also confused about the time difference:(
That must have been terrifying for you both. Poor Dommie has had a hard time lately:(
Sending prayers and good thoughts your way!
I'm sorry Dom is having such a hard time. Poor guy, I know the tumors must get in the way of being a happy cockatoo. Sorry he had to bite you. I use cornstarch or quickstop for minor wounds. Hope you both feel better soon.
Hey guys, just letting those who were wondering about the time know, it is currently 6:15am here in Oz. I am sure Trish will update as soon as she can. Best of luck today Dommie and Trish.
I just saw this right now... How is Dom now? Hope he's doing well. Medical emergencies are always scary!

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