My TAG passed away last weekend.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
United States
1 year old Cinnamon Turquoise Indian Ringneck and a 10 year old TAG. (RIP Sydney, my silly 60 year old TAG, we miss you dearly)
Just last weekend my roughly 45 to 50 year old TAG passed away. We miss him dearly. It was my Fiancee's idea to foster him from the parrot rescue we volunteer at, and I personally thought he was nuts for suggesting that we bring Sydney home. But me being me I gave him a chance.
Now Sydney wasn't a very nice TAG at the rescue, he was notorious for biting everyone that came near. In the six and a half months we had him he revealed that he knew over 30 different words and phrases, whistles and sounds. And being a wild caught bird he proved his challenges. He taught me and the bird nerd in the house that no parrot is a total loss and turned out to be so much more than we ever expected. He had had a rough life, but we gave him the happiest six months of his life.


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that is very sad, I'm glad you took him in and gave him a home... birds are such sensitive creatures and deserve love and affection. Thank you for giving of yourself to enhance that little birds life
I am sorry for your loss but at least he had a good home in the end:)
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Thanks a lot. :)

Everyone at the rescue thought we were nuts for taking him. But when we had the head of the rescue and a few other volunteers over to see him they were stunned by the huge change he had made. We really turned around a bird that no one thought was handleable and made him really something awesome. They want us to foster another Grey but we told them that we need some time first.
How cool that you made such a difference in his life!
THANK YOU for taking in an older bird and giving him a chance of happiness, where I'm sure he learned what love truly meant.

I am so very sorry for your loss. :(

May he fly free now, over the Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you for making the end of his life a happy one.
I too am so sorry for your loss. You had a very short time with Sydney. He certainly paid you back for your loving care by showing you what a great parrot he could be.

I wouldn't rule out fostering another one in the future when you are ready. You definitely show that you have what it takes to work with & heal the parrots with broken spirits.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for giving this angel a good home.
I am so sorry for your loss. I had a baby Molluccan that really was my dream come true. I showed up to the breader 3 times a day for almost 3 months (for each of her feedings and some bonding time). Then when I finally felt comfortable enough to bring her home I felt like a new mom. -Prior to purchasing Addie I had fostered many birds- so I was pretty confident in my ability. But with Addie I really wanted to experience a lifelong baby-that was never harmed or ruined by anyone. Even though I seem to be pretty good at loving other peoples neglected babies. But Addie spent about 4 months with me prior to her passing- (a genetic defect that noone could have caught-but I later learned the breeder had other birds from this pair that had also past away and never said anything- whole 'nother topic) Addie died in my arms on the way to the vet- earlier that week she had just started saying "momma". She really was the light of my life. It took me five years to get past her death and be able to have birds again. Sorry for my ramblings... but honor the relationship and the love that you each brought to each other.
I'm so Sorry to read about your loss of Sydney. As others have said, you did a wonderful thing by making a place in your family for an older rescue. You really made a difference in Sydney's life--and I'm sure in your local bird community as well.

Hang in there!
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Thanks everyone. :)
We got the final necropsy results back last week. Sydney died of heart failure in relation to poor diet and lack of exercise. ( I know for a fact that he was kept in a cage without being let out for almost 15 years because he was a biter before he came to the rescue). And what I found interesting is that the vet said that he was closer to 55-60! (His body looked like that of an older birds').
We are also planning to foster again, considering that we have a thing for the hard-to-handle birds at the rescue.
Once again, thanks for all of your support. :)
Despite your loss, he knew love and comforts of a home in his last days. Thank you very much for giving an old man a home and a place in your heart. My condolences.
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I can feel you there, Sydney died in my arms at the vets' office as well. Its the one's that catch you off guard that hurt the most too.
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Thanks. He sure had the sense of humor like an old man. But we loved him so much because of it!
Thank you for giving him a great home for the last portion of his life.

I lost Puck unexpectedly in July after only 10 months with him. I still miss him regularly. I had a dream about him again last week. <3

I wasn't planning on getting Darcy (and definitely not a macaw lol), but he was offered to me because he didn't have any place to go! Completely different personality, but he is still an amazing bird, and I am glad I have him in my life.
So so so sorry you lost TAG
THANK YOU for giving him the 6 best months of his life
He is looking out for you from Rainbow Heaven

wishing you and your family our all gave him the most lovely 6 months leading up to his passing.....that's a wonderful thing to remember, and to be proud of!

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