My ringneck is gone


New member
Feb 2, 2024
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African grey
Indian ringneck
My Indian ringneck flew away 6 days ago. Sheā€™s been spotted once the day she flew away. But since then nothing.
I no itā€™s early days yet but the sadness I just canā€™t bear it. The wondering is driving me insane. Her cage is still sat there Iā€™ve not touched it since! her little poo her food and water nothing. I donā€™t no the chances of her survival or if sheā€™s even still alive. Has anyone been in this situation Iā€™m slowly losing hope I have a gut wrenching feeling Iā€™m never going to see her again
DOnt give up hope, but you need to get your butt moving or you will lose her for certain. Posters put up in every store, supermarket, laundrymat, vet office , petshop, church will help spread the word. Lost parrots get returned all the time. But sitting still and moping will not get them back.
My Indian ringneck flew away 6 days ago. Sheā€™s been spotted once the day she flew away. But since then nothing.
I no itā€™s early days yet but the sadness I just canā€™t bear it. The wondering is driving me insane. Her cage is still sat there Iā€™ve not touched it since! her little poo her food and water nothing. I donā€™t no the chances of her survival or if sheā€™s even still alive. Has anyone been in this situation Iā€™m slowly losing hope I have a gut wrenching feeling Iā€™m never going to see her again
@Joeythegrey [/USER], I'm very sorry to hear of the escape of your IRN :(

Have you already listed yet on You can also check that site for "found" birds in your location, and make a listing for your lost bird there too if you haven't already done so.

The resources linked below may help you as well ...

Also alert local Facebook community groups, pet shops and all local veterinary clinics, not just avian ones. Escaped birds that are caught are often handed in there, and from there may be passed on to local animal control or a shelter. I once successfully retrieved an escaped Indian Ringneck years ago by making up old-fashioned paper flyers and popping them in mail boxes in my area too, I got him back the same day by doing that.

As @wrench13 said, don't give up too soon! Many companion parrots are safely returned after weeks or even months on the loose. I wish you all the very best of luck finding your baby! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™
Sheā€™s been found today!! 8 days sheā€™s been out. Sheā€™s been around a house which overlooks a park for the past 4 days! Sheā€™s been eating and drinking out of a manā€™s bird feeder. I went today to try and get her but she wonā€™t come to me. Iā€™ve left her cage in his garden in the mean time but anymore tips would be helpful she just flies away from me
Sheā€™s been found today!! 8 days sheā€™s been out. Sheā€™s been around a house which overlooks a park for the past 4 days! Sheā€™s been eating and drinking out of a manā€™s bird feeder. I went today to try and get her but she wonā€™t come to me. Iā€™ve left her cage in his garden
What happened?? Were you ever able to get her? I need some hope right now... my irn has been out for 7 days, no confirmed sightings, and I haven't even heard her since the second day.

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