My Ricci !


New member
Feb 7, 2013
Hi firends :)
I bought a new Senegal 2 days ago :) he came from Burkina Faso. I was afraid that he will have difficulties since he was captured in africa's jungles and after a long trip of 5 hours with 60 other Parrots in a small cage :(

But Ricci is very calm ! he rarely screams, I put it in a new cage today and he begin to play in it :) :)

He eats peanuts (a bit expenisive here in Algeria) I gave him Sunflower seeds but he refused them :/ today I gave him corn and he eat it more than peanuts

Sorry for my poor English

Here is some photos of my new adorable friend



A small gift for Ricci :) a cup withthe text on it is :"Don't touch my cup" :p

Hello Billy, welcome to the forum.

Good looking sennie. Actually, the cage is a little small for that size bird, but once it is used to living with you, you should be able to let it out of the cage for a while, but only when doors and windows are closed.

Until that time, you may want to have its wings clipped/trimmed so that its flight capabilities are limited.

The seeds and peanuts should not be fed as a regular diet. The corn is OK, but other foods, fresh vegetables and fruits should be the greater portion of the bird's diet. It has been over 30 years since I was last in North Africa, so do not know what is easiest to get, but most birds like pumpkin and squash also.....but no avocados, no caffeine, no chocolate.....

I would also move the food and water dishes from under the perch, because the bird will probably poop in them. When you get a chance, changing the plastic perch for a wooden one would be a good idea.....

Enjoy your new friend
I would also suggest some toys for him to play with and chew up:)
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Thanks for the advices Aliray and Weco :) It's okey for corn, I think He loves it. By the way, is there any daily quantity limits of food?
Billy they need a varied diet of fruits and vegetables more vegetables than fruit, Plus a pellet or seed mix for that size bird from the pet store or online, That is their base diet and I give mine as much as they want of their base diet along with fresh water everyday. Then I give them a dish with different kinds of vegetables, corn, carrots, sweetpotatoes cooked, dark leafy greens, just about and kind of vegetable you eat, Ialso try to include a small amt of a protein food like cooked egg, cooked chicken, cooked beef, cooked fish, almonds or other kinds of nuts, Also a little bit of whole grains cooked like Pasta ,rice, cereals, barley,cooked oatmeal, They get maybe a three tablespoons of what ever they are getting from the list that day and then I throw away what they don't eat. If we are having food they can have they get to have little bits also with us at breakfast and supper. There is a lot of information in the recipie section of the forums. Hope this helps:)
I agree with weco wooden perch is better and he needs a bigger cage with lots of toys and many different perches rough ones and smooth ones (wooden) although I am very opposed to catching birds from the wild now he is a pretty bird and good luck
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WOW! thank you aliray ! I'll try all what you said :)

... although I am very opposed to catching birds from the wild now he is a pretty bird and good luck

You're right MarciaLove, I am against it too ! It's awful :( When I'll see that Ricci is getting more "comfortable" with us I'll try to let him getting outside the cage.

the normal place of a bird is not in a cage ;)
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OH YEAH !! After only 2 days Ricci eats from my hand ! He is still very cautious, and he makes a sound like "GRRRRRRRRRRRRR BE CAREFUL I can hurt you!"
He loves the vegetebales I gave him :)

Now I have one problem: I think that I have to change his place when he wants to sleep, I sleep very late and I dont want to disturb him with my noise. For the moment he doesen't seem disturbed but I dont know what to do about this
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It makes me sad that he was born in the wild and now in captivity. Is that even legal to capture wild parrots in the Jungle and sell them to consumers as pets?

Since you already have him, there's not much sense in me going on about this. But please get him a bigger cage (or at least let him out often).

Understand that seeds/nuts are NOT an appropriate diet for a parrot. They are like junk food that can be used occasionally as treats.

You can put the following into a pot and boil in water until cooked and most water is gone:

  • corn
  • peas
  • chick-peas
  • chopped carrots
  • chopped yams/squash
  • dried beans (like navy/pinto/white/lima/etc)
  • long-grain rice
(Full recipe: scroll down to "#6 A Healthy Hookbill Diet")

Thank you
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Thank you very much BeakersBro :)
Your post is very helpul

I preferred to get a cage- born parrot but it's impossible here in Algeria :( Of course it's Illegal to bring parrots from the jungle, offenders are severely punished. But Algeria's desert is huge ( The biggest part of the Sahara is situated in the south of Algeria so It's very hard to control all this area). But now after the events in Mali I think this phenomenon will decrease.
Welcome, and remember: cooked food does spoil after a while, so remember to take away the food after a few hours. He should get a fresh batch of food 3-4 times per day probably.

He will probably like it if you heat it up before serving (i.e microwave for 20 seconds). However, he might find that strange since he is wild and he's used to hot food.

Make a lot of food at once and split it into different containers. Put one container in the fridge, and the rest of the containers in the freezer. It will last you like 2-3 weeks depending on how much you make.

You will get a feel for how much he eats of each serving. You don't need to give him heaping mounds of food, because he won't eat all that before it gets dried out and old.
I still think it would be better if you got a legal, "bread-in-captivity" parrot, and took that one to some type of parrot reserve where they may release him back into the wild.

While you have him though, I just want to ensure he's being taken care of properly.

I don't know anything about African laws or Algerian laws, but if this was occurring in the US, I might be calling the ASPCA about this.
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I wish I can bring him back to nature but it's impossible ! There are no Parrots resereves or any birds reserves here :/
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I have one question: Can anyone tell me approximately how Ricci is old?
He has Yellow eyes so he's an adult Senegal (3-4 years). But I think I can guess his age by comparing him with other birds can I?
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Ricci is doing very good, He recognises me when I enter the room :32:
But I have a trouble: He is calm, but when he wants to play, He makes
deafening screams ! How can I learn him to stop it ?
ignoring the screams can help and reward the nice noises but he is a bird and will scream sometimes.
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Ricci is doing very good :) He's calm and he adores eating from my hand :D Today; I begun to do Clicker training with him. I don't have a clicker so I use the world "Bravo!". It works so far but sometimes Ricci is bored but it's a good begining.

Any advices?

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