My Pets!


New member
May 18, 2013
As a little girl, I was a total animal enthusiast and always had pets! Currently, I have a dog, cat, two ferrets, and a betta fish.

My dog is 11 years old, and is a female Bichon named Claudette. I don't have many photos of her because she tends to always have bad hair days, and when I DO try to take photos of her, she puts her face right up to the lens. :p I'm pretty sure this is normal with Bichons, but she is allergic to almost everything under the sun and is prone to both types of bladder stones, so we have to watch her pretty closely.

My cat is turning 8 this August, and is named Billie. He likes to sit around and look pretty, so I have tons of photos of him! He was left on the doorstep of a cat breeder's home with his brother, and she took them in and put them up for adoption. He likes to bug Claudette, who is scared of him.

My ferrets are both 4 years old, and are named Jasper and Percival. Jasper has mild Waardenburg's, but he's so sweet, and loves to sleep in my arms.

Percy is a private bred baby from Pennsylvania. His show name is "PFH's Le Conte Du Graal", as I named him after the knight Percival from Arthurian legend. I plan to follow that theme for all of my future ferrets. :) He likes to think that he's rebellious and a punk, but he's not.

Leaf is my betta fish. He doesn't really do much, haha! I have incredibly bad luck with bettas for some reason, so I always try to get one and take extremely good care of him to see how long he will stay with me. I'm pretty sure Leaf is the record holder as of right now! After Leaf, though, I probably won't get any more fish.

Finally, I had another ferret named Tootsie, and she passed away last June. She was truly my "heart ferret", and we fit perfectly together. She LOVED to war dance and have fun. I miss her terribly, and I feel like it wouldn't be right if I introduced everyone without introducing her. I used to be content with just owning ferrets, as they really are "my species" in terms of pets, but without Tootsie, it really isn't the same, and my relationship with the ferrets has been strained since she left.

And, because I'm sure I haven't bombarded you guys with a bazillion photos yet ( :D ) Here's a quick photo of my old bird, Mojo, sitting on my brother. We had Mojo before we got Claudette, so around 13 years ago. We got the dog, and he seemed scared to be around her, so my grandmother (who is also our neighbor) offered to take Mojo for us. She had him for a couple of years, but then we met a relative who always adored cockatiels, and hers had just recently passed away. We offered to give her Mojo. She taught him to talk and everything, and he was so happy with her. :)
OMG Your pets are too beautiful
Claudette is so gorgeous
Billie is so cute
Jasper and Perciva are so lovable
Leaf has such beautiful coloring and looks so peaceful
Tootsie awesome, so sorry she is no longer with you
Mojo looks like an Angel

Great photography "well done"

Thanks for sharing and bringing a smile to my face

Enjoy our wonderful forum
You take some GORGEOUS photos!!!! And you have BEAUTIFUL pets!

I chuckled at the comment that Claudette has many bad hair days. (Don't many ladies????)

Leaf is one stunning Beta!! <insert wolf whistle> :D

And Billie, Jasper and Perc are all gorgeous! So sorry you lost Tootsie. :(

So is Mojo still alive??
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Thanks guys! :D

To be honest, I'm not sure what happened to Mojo. The lady we gave him to was older, and she passed away before he did. We always asked her how he was and visited a couple of times, but about two months before she died, she said that she gave him to a close friend as she couldn't care for him any longer. I believe he is still alive, as that was only a couple of years ago, and she said he was doing well. :)

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