My Orange Winged Amazon


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Dec 24, 2015
New Hampshire
Nike a Hawk Head Parrot (Deroptyus accipitrinus)
Prior to Nike, I had an Orange Winged Amazon for about 39 Years. I woke one morning in November of 2015 to find her dead at the bottom of her cage. She was never sick a day in her life and was on a seed diet. Most of the pictures I have of her are Polaroids but I did find a couple I took with my first digital camera.

Here she is, Berta. She hated my wife for her entire life and would rather bite her than take a peanut from her. Needless to say when she passed I had a hole in my heart and immediately started looking for a bird to adop. You can guess my wife was none too keen on the idea but when I brought her to meet Nike (preceeded by an argument over getting another bird) she immediately fell in love with her and we took her home right then.

Anyway, here's Berta, I miss her antics and that is the one thing I'm a little disappointed with Nike about, she's so good and never gets into trouble ;)

Berta, 1975-2015


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Thank you for the pictures of your OWA. Since I lost my Plumas in December I can't look at an OWA without feeling that hole in my heart. I know what it's like to loose one of these beautiful creatures that has lived with you for so long.
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texsize, funny thing was that I immediately went on Petfinder and found a local OWA who needed rescuing. I conversed back and forth with the rescue but couldn't pull the trigger because of my wife's indecision. When I finally decided to take her I emailed them and she had been adopted out the previous day. In a way I was quite lucky as Nike turned out to be a great bird.
What a precious darling. 39 years is a lot of years but not nearly enough. My Rb will be 33 next Cinco de Mayo. Thanks for sharing.
I also went to pet finder after the loss of Plumas. I know I can't really replace her but it was my hope to find a new friend for Pacho. I thought if it was the same species of amazon there was a better chance that Pacho would accept him/her.
I did not find anything and stopped looking.
Pacho is/was bonded to me just as much as she was bonded to Plumas. she is doing ok

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