My new Senegal


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Middle TN
Hello, I am new to this forum and I am having a hard time with my new bird. I got a hand fed baby female Senegal (her name is Lexi). The breeder said she is a very sweet cuddly girl. I am not doubting that she was for him, but things are not going well for me!

First, maybe I am being impatient as I know it takes some time to adjust and I have only had her a week, but I expected to be able to at least handle a hand fed baby.

She freaks out whenever I get near her (she screams, flaps, and tries to get away). I have tried just softly talking to her and I always move slowly around her. I offered her an apple slice yesterday and she ate it, which was progress, but when I offered her a blueberry I guess it was too close and she freaked out again, so at that point I left her alone.

Today I tried with the apple and she freaked out.

She has only been out of her cage once since I got her and she came out on her own. I know she wants out to play!

I am just frustrated at this point and have no idea what to do. I have cockatiels and they have always been easy. I feel like I am doing everything wrong with her and all I want is for her to be happy and eventually for us to be friends.

Any and all suggestions are welcome!! Thanks in advance for any help, I am feeling pretty desperate.
I had a redbelly who was the same exact way when i brought him home. he eventually became my best friend but if I remember right it took a couple of months. (and he loved me to death at the breeders when i would visit) these birds are famous for being terrified of new things.

give her time, let her come out on her own, try taking naps in front of her, get down below her eye level when talking to her, try to remove anything from the room that might be scary to her. be patient. she WILL come around.
as far as the food offerings I would put it in a non threatening place in her cage, same place everytime so she knows whatever YOU place there is safe. once she loses her fear of things you offer in this place, try getting a lil closer or offering it directly to her but dont let her panic. if she looks scared back off and put the food in the safe place for her to get. give her time to see your not the bad guy.
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Thank you! That does make me feel better. I can be patient with her. I sit in a chair and talk to her so she is just above me on her boing perch (she loves that thing)! She gets sleepy when I talk to her so that is okay, it is just when my hands get near that she flips out.

I can let her come out on her own, that is no problem. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get her back in but she stepped up on a perch easily :)

We have nothing but time so I can wait, I just don't want to do anything to make her transition worse.

Any cage recommendations? The one I have her in now really isn't appropriate. Her is a picture of her in her cage and her playing on the tree when she did get out of her cage. She liked that :)


For a cage don't go any smaller than 32"W x 23"D.
And once she is used to you, if she isn't already, change her diet to pellets with fresh food.
the cage looks good enough for now, could be better but not your biggest problem. I would seriously consider takin the bite from her instead of using the perch. If you dont trust her she will pick up on that and its gonna be harder to get her to trust you in my opinion.( if your afraid of an animal thats afraid of you, it will pick up on that and take that to mean her fear is justified since everyone in the room is afraid)
unless she has no fear at all of the perch and doesnt mind stepping up on it, but is terrified of your hands. then the perch might be a good thing.
you should do stuff with your hands in front of her to show her they arent scary. my favorite thing is to smash and tear up food with my fingers. kind of like imitating a beak.use your finger tips to crack and smash seeds and pellets on the table. I will just sit where the bird can see me and will play with the food and try to make it sound similar to a bird eating. you would be surprised how many birds cant resist this. parrots are flock animals that are programmed to want what there neighbor has. my budgie was terrified of me but this would almost hypnotize him and in no time he would be off the playgym and walking around the table trying to get the food my fingers didnt eat.
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the cage looks good enough for now, could be better but not your biggest problem. I would seriously consider takin the bite from her instead of using the perch. If you dont trust her she will pick up on that and its gonna be harder to get her to trust you in my opinion.
unless she has no fear at all of the perch and doesnt mind stepping up on it, but is terrified of your hands. then the perch might be a good thing.
you should do stuff with your hands in front of her to show her they arent scary. my favorite thing is to smash and tear up food with my fingers. kind of like imitating a beak.use your finger tips to crack and smash seeds and pellets on the table. I will just sit where the bird can see me and will play with the food and try to make it sound similar to a bird eating. you would be surprised how many birds cant resist this. parrots are flock animals that are programmed to want what there neighbor has. my budgie was terrified of me but this would almost hypnotize him and in no time he would be off the playgym and walking around the table trying to get the food my fingers didnt eat.

All great advice, thank you so much! I am not afraid that she will bite me, I could live with that, I just don't want to scare her, she runs away from me when I try to pick her up. She isn't scared of the perch though. So do you think I should pursue/chase her or use the perch for now?

I will certainly play with my food in front of her though! She may do better outside of her cage.

One thing I have noticed is that she is VERY smart! I think she notices when I do things for her :)
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For a cage don't go any smaller than 32"W x 23"D.
And once she is used to you, if she isn't already, change her diet to pellets with fresh food.

Any particular pellet recommendation? For my tiels I offer seeds, pellets, and fresh foods. They get either zupreem or roudybush, depending on which they prefer.
I would use the perch then, and i edited my last post to say not to show her any fear. when the bird is scared and it can tell that you are also scared that just tells it obviously there is something to be afraid of if everyone in the room is afraid.
In my area the best pellets available are zupreem natural. if you order online tops appears to be the best
and you're right she notices EVERYTHING you do right down to how you move your mouth for every sound you make. every gesture and every move you make is analyzed by her. they are mimicks and they are good at it because of their eye for detail. I would bet she never takes her eyes off you when you are in the room.
Some people say Harrison's is the best but I say any organic/human grade pellets are best such as Hagen tropican, Harrison's, tops, zupreem natural, and roudybush. I feed mine Hagen, Harrison's, and zupreem natural.
* just check the fat content because Senegals tend to become overweight, don't get Harrison's high potency!
great advice, but as for things that scare her, don't force them on her so to speak, but continue with having them around her and even using them!

nut use to freak at the oddest things, she was very afraid of the hoover, but i started hoovering in next room, around her etc an now she is fine, and anything new she now takes her que from how we act around the new item, she will still take a safe distance, top of her cage (she is no longer allowed on curtain rail)

oh and chewing things, nut has chewed all table furniture, door frames, door tops, she even chewed a hole in the wall, this is on top of her chew toys,

and thanks for the harrisons tip cdog, nuts on harrisons fine, i never realised nut could get fat lol as she is so active, but she is flighted and has full flights around the house

enjoy your new birdie, cause these little sene's are such sweeties, when not trying to destroy ya home and welcome to the forum
I give mine TOPs (pellet wise).
My girl gets Tropican Lifetime Granules. Maybe try moving her cage to offer more security. Sometimes putting the cage in a corner or up high can make her feel better. Or even a smaller cage until she's comfortable. Some birds like more or less space and if she's not used to having a large area to play in it can be intimidating.
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I just wanted to update and say thanks! I was feeling so bad about the way things were going I am sure my mood was affecting my relationship with Lexi. I really appreciate the support, it has given me a lot of hope and a much better attitude, which is already paying off!

I let Lexi come out of her cage on her own today, then used a perch to take her into the living room with me and put her on the play tree. I just talked to her and ate in front of her. She seemed very interested in my food so I offered her a sugar snap pea. She was hesitant about taking it so I just put it down near her and walked away. She immediately went to get it and ate it! So I gave her another. Then I gave her a banana chip and she took it from me, but unfortunately she dropped it so I just put it near her again. When it was time to go back in her cage she hopped right on the perch!

It may not seem like a lot, but it was improvement and everything went smoothly without either of us getting upset! I do think this is the beggining of a beautiful friendship :)

Thanks again, I am so glad I found this forum!
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Also, is this an okay cage for a Senegal? I am not worried about her cage for right now, but I know she needs something bigger eventually and I have one of these. I am just not sure if it is sturdy enough for her? If not, any specific recommendations? Thanks!

Prevue Hendryx Flight Cage in Black | Wayfair
Also, is this an okay cage for a Senegal? I am not worried about her cage for right now, but I know she needs something bigger eventually and I have one of these. I am just not sure if it is sturdy enough for her? If not, any specific recommendations? Thanks!

Prevue Hendryx Flight Cage in Black | Wayfair

My concern with that cage is how do the bowls come out? It looks like you might have to take them out of the cage with your hands - now if Lexi still is a bit skittish around your hands for a while, she might see this as an invasion in her cage. As well, those bowls aren't the best for a Senegal - I know mine could easily chew them up.

As well, how nicely can you secure those doors? It doesn't seem quite that hard to open and she might figure it out.
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Oh yeah, those bowls are horrible and I just ditch them! I don't use plastic dishes anyway. I have to invade her current cage to change food and water, but try to do it while she is out.

I would have to figure a way to secure the doors. I think the front ones are pretty secure but the others are not at all, she would just have to push them.

Thanks for the feedback!
I think the cage is a good size but the whole thing seems kind of flimsy. but some extra work to secure doors and new bowls I dont see why it wouldnt work just fine.
Also, is this an okay cage for a Senegal? I am not worried about her cage for right now, but I know she needs something bigger eventually and I have one of these. I am just not sure if it is sturdy enough for her? If not, any specific recommendations? Thanks!

Prevue Hendryx Flight Cage in Black | Wayfair

This one is a much better cage, higher quality plus it opens on the top and acts as a perch as well.

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