My lovebird doesn't want to eat sunflower seeds


New member
Dec 6, 2016
I have my lovebird for about 2 months and she is still scared of me .The first day I got her I removed her sunflower seeds because I wanted to give her those like a treat and now she eats just the millet.How can I make her eat the other seeds?
It would be wise to transition her to a fresh and pellet based diet.

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Try mixing pellets and millet for a gentle transition from seed to a pellet based diet and also offering a bowl of fresh veggies. Some people like Harrison's, I personally like Zupreem Natural.

Zupreem Small Bird Natural at Amazon

As for getting her to be less frightened of you, have you tried sitting near the cage and talking or reading to her? That's a great way to start to form a bond and help her adjust to you.
Hi. Millet by itself hasnt got the nutrition that your little guy needs. Sunflower seed is pretty fattening so it isnt a major drama that your fellow doesnt like them, we use them more as a treat.

A lot of people use pellets, I've never really had success with them. Our lovies get a good quality small parrot mix which is mainly millet, and a vitamin supplement in their water. Our vet maintains that no diet (save possibly the pellets, and he isnt that fond of them for reasons he explained to me) gives the birds the range of vitamins and minerals that they get browsing in the wild, which is why he pushes the vitamin supplement in their water.

I give ours a little fruit and veg as well, but that is more for variety. Some of the lovies like them, some dont. Their basic seed/vitamin water diet has produced good results for me, and it is really easy.
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I tried to give her this
but she doesn't like it .
I talk to her and she is ok with me standing near her but she is afraid of my hand .
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How can I convince her to eat fruits and veggies?I tried to give her mashed banana combined with a teaspoon of millet but again , she was picking the millet from there..
Part of the problem with giving them seeds (even if you are adding vitamins) is that seeds tend to be high in fat that they don't work off by flying the way that they do in the wild which is why most owners prefer pellets. Also, it's always better to get vitamins naturally than from a supplement, whether you're bird or human, so it is better to try and get her to eat a variety veggies than to add vitamins just to the water. Trust me, I understand how hard it can be! After two months, my RB2 hates eating anything BUT pellets, no matter what variety of veggies I offer, but I keep offering and she eventually eats a little more and a little more.

In the morning, offer what you want your bird to be eating, whether that is veggies or pellets or your seed mix and don't offer the millet until a couple of hours before bedtime. This will encourage them to eat what they have been refusing to eat. I would still encourage you to look into pellets and fresh veggies, not only for the vitamins but because you don't want your sweet fid getting overweight, but that is a personal choice in the end. However, I agree that sunflower seeds are pretty much useless for health reasons and should be saved for treats, so her not liking them doesn't really matter. You can find something else to use as a treat. (Possibly millet if you end up switching from seed mix?)

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