My lorikeet and odd behavior


New member
Sep 11, 2012
I got my first Rainbow lorikeet 1 week ago he's the cutest little fellow!
He has some funny/odd behavior though. like most of u know the rainbow lorikeet has a very looong tongue. The thing is that he tries to put it EVERYWHERE for instance in my ears, nose and basically every where in my face all the time! so my question is, is this a babybird behavior? does it usually go away with age? how does your lorikeets behave?


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Oh man, I have no experience with lorikeets, but if this is normal behavior I kind of want one. This just sounds so cute to me, like a puppy dog giving kisses!
He will keep doing whatever you allow him to do. Just pull your face away when he licks you, be consistent and he will soon learn not to do it. My husband allows our lory to stick her tongue on his lips as he gives her a kiss. I don't like her to do that to me, so she never tries. With me she just makes the kissing sound and says kisses.
Virtually all psittacines explore new things with their tongue. The only difference with lorikeets would be their brush like tongue might give you strange sensations.....

Sounds like you are just getting a through inspection.....
I want to be inspected... Id never even heard of these beauties before today, they are absolutely stunning. I would love to meet one of these guys.
Licky Lick....I don't allow mine to lick me either cause he is like a little kid on sugar high and doesn't stop. He's been doing a lot better and haven't licked me in a long time....
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Well i've never experienced such a bird! i mean its like a dog, u can play with it and u can wrestle with it! He doesnt behave like any bird i've seen before! Even though he's not handraised he was "tame" 1 minute after he got in the cage! The only downside is the poop's or the poop "fluid" xD
I want to be inspected... Id never even heard of these beauties before today, they are absolutely stunning. I would love to meet one of these guys.
Lories are absolutely charming, and very playful. They are known as the clowns of the parrot world. It takes some getting used to initially, on how to manage their messiness, but once you master that, you're for sure hooked! I'm on my 2nd lory. :)

Some pet shops sell lories/lorikeets. Anyone who lives in Orange County, California is welcome to contact me and meet my chattering lory. :)
Well i've never experienced such a bird! i mean its like a dog, u can play with it and u can wrestle with it! He doesnt behave like any bird i've seen before! Even though he's not handraised he was "tame" 1 minute after he got in the cage! The only downside is the poop's or the poop "fluid" xD
Yep, they are! I refer to mine as a dog wrapped in a bird's body! Their antics are hilarious and they have endless energy. Mine tosses hacky sacks around on the floor, and actually plays fetch with me.

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