My little zoo


New member
Jul 19, 2012
West Virginia
Yellow Naped Amazon
My house is quickly turning into a zoo with 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 rats, and our newest addition a 'zon. Today Mal was sitting on his cage happily eating an orange while the dogs where laying on the couches sleeping. The next thing I know the dogs were barking scared Malcolm he flew across the room and right into a wall with a big thump!!! Poor guy now he is refusing to come down from his perch. Really hope he adjusts to the dogs soon. Anyone else have any crazy animal stories today?
my dog and my birds get along pretty good. whenever my shiba inu starts to bark really crazy and loud, my nanday joins in and starts screaming/ squawking lol. it is really weird and funny. i have to calm both of them down.
welcome! theirs a little soap opera in my finch cage. one finch Bummble courted Bonnie (RIP) who ignored him. then atticus gets jelous and swoops down ant starts singing to her. Bumble pretends to lay eggs in the nest and sits their with just his beak sticking out the top lol. Poor malcome, im sure he'll come down soon :), he sounds like a really cool bird!
I have a zoo too with 5 parrots, 1 canary, 1 finch, 2 chihuahua's, and 1 duck.
They all get along pretty good too. Yesterday my 16 year old chihuahua had a seizure while I was in the other room, and Casey (blue fronted Amazon) flew down to her and started yelling to alert me. She was really worried about her, and was trying to help her. Which she did by getting my attention, so that I could help her. ( she is fine) I thought that was pretty cool. I love my little zoo!
I had a zoo. At one point I had Tweeters and Domino, my cockatiels -RIP- :( , 2 hedgehogs ,Sonic and Peach, One chubby calico cat, Cookie, whom I still have, a stray black and white cat mix, Stubs, and another stray little black cat, Tiny. Of all those, I only have Stubs and Cookie. ;( Sadly, Stubs went to my cousin since all he did was try to attack Cookie. Now he's fine. I guess he didn't like other cats...
Oh of course now I have my fids, but that was the most I've had at once. I also guess I should mention my threee goldfish. ;)
I would have an entire menagerie if it weren't for my husband's allergies. Luckily he's fine with birds. But I love cats and dogs and I just have to settle for making friends with every one I come across who will let me.
Your place sure does sound like a zoo, enjoy it
I only have one AG Mishka, and believe me he is enough, talks all day 24/7
Just imagine me having any other pets OMG
lol. i hope your little guy gets used to your dogs. i have a zoo too:) 2 dogs, 2 cats, a corn snake, bearded dragon, leopard gecko and a soon to be quaker. lol. lots of animals!
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welcome! theirs a little soap opera in my finch cage. one finch Bummble courted Bonnie (RIP) who ignored him. then atticus gets jelous and swoops down ant starts singing to her. Bumble pretends to lay eggs in the nest and sits their with just his beak sticking out the top lol. Poor malcome, im sure he'll come down soon :), he sounds like a really cool bird!

That does sound like a soap LOL they sure are characters
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My animals take up my whole day especially since I'm trying to get mal to like me. I'm learning to put my big dog up since mal has decided bandito is the devil Haha
My zoo currently exhibits 3 rabbits, one of which is 20lbs and thinks shes a dog. 1 cat, 1 cinnamon GCC, 9 treefrogs, 3 newts, 5 fishtanks, 2 younger sisters. Aaaaaaaaand I work in a petstore HAHAHAHA

lol. My little zoo includes 2 parrots, Barkley and Pepper, two dogs Shadoe and Missy, and two hermit crabs Watson and Crick (yeah, I'm a bio nerd lol).

The two dogs bark at each other and then at other times are laying soundly together in the same kennel. My 15 year old maltese Shadoe is neutered but still feels it is necessary to "mark" the 2 year old Terrier/Mix Missy. We're still trying to find a solution to that. Dog trainer said he's marking her as his property and his g.f.

Then we have Shaode who likes to howl while Barkley the ekkie sqwaks, I guess that's their way of communicating. Then we have Missy who thinks Pepper the white capped pi is a dog toy. So when Pepper flies down we have to rescue him from getting played with by the dog. Shadoe once sniffed Pepper and Pepper bit him on the nose and now they leave each other alone. But I think Missy trying to "play" with the birds needs attention 1-on-1 from the dog trainer. I'd like them to be able to all wander around together.

Then we have the two hermit crabs who are perfect angels. Watson and Crick. They sometimes "chatter" together with their clicking noises after their daily misting.

And how could I forget Mr. Ugly, our CUTE bearded dragon we used to have. Had to rehome him b/c when we lived in an apt after Katrina they wouldn't let us keep him. He came with a 4ft x 5ft x 3ft HABITAT! :) Shadoe, the dog, used to sit and watch him all day. lol

So we really do have a soap opera at our house. :)

Oh and right now the dogs are howling and the birds are sqwaking. Lovely. :0)

And I feel I should mention the "rescues" we took in until we could find a rescue to take them. I worked as aveterinary assistant and we'd sometimes take them home if they needed extra love/care until we could find a no-kill rescue group to take them or put them up for adoption at the job. :)
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