my little escape artist!


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
I have absolutely NO idea how he did it, but Kyo managed to open the lock to his cage, and break the little tab that holds the door shut for such instances. I came home to a little monkey flying around having a great time.

Any advice on how to bird proof his door now?!I didn't think he was strong enough to undo it!!
Locks, locks and more locks ha ha! They are so amazing smart. Sometimes it isn't funny anymore for you. But for the audience, it is
I use binder clips to keep doors shut. If the bars on your cage run right they are easy to use and luckily gccs are not super strong compared to the big parrots. ;)
I was going to say binder clips. So far they are working on the feed doors. Venus figured those out quick but the clips she can't get a grip on.
I'm surprised! But you know what they say about conures... they're little macaws!
I use screw locks. It's the only thing that Skittles can't outsmart.

I use screw locks. It's the only thing that Skittles can't outsmart.


I like those! I've never seen triangle ones before. I have the regular oblong ones. Robin my Red Bellied parrot doesn't try to escape his cage, but he does unscrew the one I have his SS pipe bell on. I tighten it as tight as I can with my fingers (which I think is extremely tight), and surprisingly he undoes it all the time! Time to use pliers...
Phoebe also unscrews these. I always install them screwing up, just an extra precaution as it can cause harm.
Well, the ones I have are oblong as well. I just couldn't find a picture of them. LOL

@solo Skittles can't unscrew them because he can't fit his beak through the cage bars far enough. LOL.
You can try to use carabiner clips :). I like these better than screw locks as they are much faster to put/take off. Anyway i hope Kyo is well and good luck trying to outsmart a conure, lol :p.

You can try to use carabiner clips :). I like these better than screw locks as they are much faster to put/take off. Anyway i hope Kyo is well and good luck trying to outsmart a conure, lol :p.


I can bring myself to use these with the birds - to scared they'd get caught up in them.
You can try to use carabiner clips :). I like these better than screw locks as they are much faster to put/take off. Anyway i hope Kyo is well and good luck trying to outsmart a conure, lol :p.


I can bring myself to use these with the birds - to scared they'd get caught up in them.

I ave always used them with Cleo my bird without a problem and have a friend with lots of larger parrots like eclectus as well as other small birds and he thinks they are the best thing ever but i can see your point itchyfeet!. :D
Those are great too - unless you bird figures out how to push them open.

I've actually seen videos on YouTube of parrots actually 'unscrewing' a screw lock. They are VERY determined.

They could probably even open up a padlock, they'd figure out the combination. LOL

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