My Jacob Monkey


New member
Aug 14, 2012
Scottie Rotten the Massively Minute Macaw
I talk about my newest animal often over in the amazon section to get better acquainted with her but I thought some people might like to see one of my other babies. His name is Jacob and he is a Java Macaque. He was a rescue and an absolute mess when I first got him. He spent most of his beginning with me being medicated and with me treating his newly amputated tail. Now let me see if I can find some pics for you lol.
okay I found some pics and I thought I would explain them.
First pic is Jacob in his outside enclosure just chillin and trying to pick imaginary bugs off my arm.
Second is of Jacob and a friend of ours that he loves. He AND Jacob are smoking a cigarette. His previous owners thought it would be funny to teach him to smoke(not). Regardless, he no longer has that habit.
Third pic is Jacob and the same guy having a good old pick/grooming session while his larger outdoor cage is being cleaned.
Fourth, again same guy, with 2 of the babies. The baby on the left side is a bonnet macaque and yes he continuously sucked his thumb. He was very ill for the first year and a half of his life due to a congenital defect and he was removed from his mother way way too early causing emotional trauma.The baby on the right is a rhesus macaque that I was bottle feeding. She was removed from her parents very late so bonding with humans took more than normal. I didn't remove her, the breeders did. I just tamed her so she didn't think hairless monkeys(humans) would hurt her. After months of biting, scratching and tantrums she turned out to be a very sweet girl. I loved her little red afro. I have pictures of her sitting on my head in my hair or shoulder under my hair when she was being bottle fed.


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OMG he is soooo cute!!!! Growing up, my girlfriend had a Capuchin and he loved to be on our heads looking for fleas or something LOL. He was hilarious!
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Yes I don't care how much time I spend on my hair, when I go into his enclosure with him he lets me know I apparently have bugs and he rearranges it for me. Jacob is a master hairstylist.
It's not often you see someone with monkeys!

It looks and sounds like you've done a great job with them! I think you'll be fine with your zon once you are able to figure her out as well!

Except for the cigarette, those are great photos!
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Thank you Monica. It really is a blessing to spend my life with Jacob. He had years of happiness with his first mommy but when she got cancer things went downhill fast for him. Her husband hated him because of the bond he had with her so when she became too ill to take care of Jacob he put him outside in a small dog kennel. Jacob self mutilated out of emotional strain and he still has some problems from this. He behaves much like an autistic child sometimes. He was taught some sign language years ago but pretty much all he signs now is this odd "I see you" movement he does with his fingers and eyes.
"First pic is Jacob in his outside enclosure just chillin and trying to pick imaginary bugs off my arm". hahahahahahahaha, those bugs might be imaginary to you, but they may not be imaginary to your monkey.
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No they most certainly are not imaginary to him lol. He never tires of grooming me. Its easier to tolerate when we are relaxing and watching tv. That way he just picks and picks his little heart out.
OMG, I can't believe I missed this! Jacob is SO lucky to have found you (or vice versa) ;)

Awesome pictures, thank you so much for sharing him. Now of course I would LOVE to see a picture of him grooming you - or when he's done doing your hair, lol.

Poor guy sounds like he's been through a lot before he came to you. Excuse my language, but STUPID guy who thought it would be funny to smoke around him/or had them put in his mouth. :mad:

And I agree. If you can handle him, an Amazon will seem like a snap soon enough :D

Sweet, sweet Jacob!!!
I love that baby! I would call Kat at 1am and shed be fighting with him to go to sleep. He would fight his sleep like a baby! She was talking to me another time and he had gotten into the fridge and ate/tore the food out just like a kid. He is a very silly lil boy. I just love him.

You should ask her about his car seat! Lol

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