My IRN has done 2 sessions of nebezling and still has nostril discharge and is coughing


Jan 7, 2024
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Pippen IIRN Ophelia IRN Ernie moutash parrot exodus rainbow lorikeet

So i notice a week a before Christmas my IRN was coughing and had nostril discharge it was maybe a few times a day he would cough tho I took him to see his avian vet and they recommend 10 days neblizling twice a day with gentamicin after the 10 days he was okay for a week or so then began coughing and having nasal discharge so I contacted the vet and they said do another round and see, it’s been almost 2 weeks and today he had wet nostrils again his booked in to see the avian vet tomorrow but I’m so worried and stressed out anyone have any ideas what could be going on with him and if anyone’s had this experience with their birds I’m not looking for a diagnosis just if it’s serious and should I be so worried !?
A second opinion, maybe? Good luck. :)

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