My heart broke today :(


New member
Oct 1, 2010
East Coast United States
Green Cheek Conure Panini
Blue Crown Conure Amos
I stopped by an old friends house today for a visit. I havent seen her in years and it was well over due but before we walked in to the house, I mentioned I could stay for 1 or two cups of coffee and had to be getting home to let out my birds. They said they had a couple and wanted to get rid of one. I expected to walk in and see something small only to find a Indian Ringneck (who is the smallest one I've ever seen). She(he) was sooo scared I barely was able to get a look at her. In another cage were 3 tiels. It was around almost afternoon and both cages were still covered! My hear broke for the little lone ringneck. They asked me if I wanted it, and I so wanted to say YES! but knowing I just brought home our baby blue crown last month and already having two birds I refrained. I told them I could possibly help rehome him if they could not find a suitable forever home. My friend has had him for five months or so I believe but I could have sworn she said he was around 4 or 5 years of age. It looked like he was on an all seed diet. Is it because of this that the ringneck looked so small?.. his cage was smaller than my green cheeks cage but he was not much larger than my green cheek.
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I was hoping they would let me help them do that if they cant find a home for him. I am not experienced enough to take something like him on and being possibly 5 years old, bitey, and scared and unsocialized...experience and patience is what he needs!
Thats so sad :(
I hope you informed your friend on a more suitable way to care for his/her birds!
Good luck finding a home for the little guy :)
Where is your friend located? I can maybe take it and find a home for it if she's nearby (I hope!!!). I have a few friends interested in getting bird who'll maybe adopt the IRN if any of them are interested. If I can't find anyone, then I'll hang on to the bird. I just need to know a few things. What color is the bird? Does it come with it's cage, perches, supplies, etc?
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That is so-so-so sad!:(:(:( My IRN came from the same situation except she was abused as well. They must have thrown her with pillows, books, hit the cage with brooms, the list of her fears just goes on and on. She is also half the size of other 4-5 year old IRNs but she has a bite like, I dont know, she rips out flesh.

Please dont wait for them to get her out of there, every day in life is precious.:(

The new owner must be somebody with patience that does not have an end otherwise she will be shifted off to the next and the next.

Please dont wait.
That is so sad i hate the thort of any one harming or frightening lovely little things like that,i have a ringneck and he is so nice dosnt bite he is a bit naughty but i dont mind when i say naughty i mean he has peeled my wallpaper off poos on my telly an torments my cockatiels but i wouldnt change him for the world his name is cookie and he is a male lutino with a full pink ring ;-) and he can eat for england to lol.
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I was really shocked when I got a look at her because of the size. I had researched them and had to second guess myself thinking it was something else, but wasnt sure. Maybe I am wrong, but it seriously just looked like a smaller sized IR. It even sounded like one (it freaked out) when I removed the blanket covering the side of the cage. I am truly hoping this bird person friend of theirs takes him in and gives him the patience he needs. They also had the tiels (one that was hand tame) and a lovebird who took treats through the cage but is not hand tame. They are not "bad people" they are just not knowledgeable about birds and see them perfectly fine just being in their cages. I wanted to pour my heart out while I was there about what they needed to do with them but I only had so much time and I didnt want to have my first over due visit with them to end sourly enough and offend them ...that they wouldnt let me help them in finding someone to take the bird if the "possible" new home falls through.
My daughter woke up not feeling this well this morning (of course her 5th B day weekend lol) so my next morning cup of coffee visit will have to wait until mon or tues. I will update as soon as I hear something! *fingers crossed*
I am sorry about this little Ringneck, and I hope he can find someone who better understands him and his needs. Regarding the size, maybe he is smaller because he is actually an African Ringneck. I have only met one of these guys in person, but he was quite a bit smaller then an Indian Ringneck. Good luck finding this guy a new caregiver.
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I see you're located on the East Coast. If you can give us an idea of where you're located maybe we can find a home or rescue and arrange transport.
I'm so sorry! even with my frick being a goober this last few weeks everyone in my family loves him, talks to him and wants to work with him.
So sad. I have some friends, they gave me Rosie, who have a African gray and blue and gold macaw. The African gray gets a sunflower seed diet and has no toys(but also gets all day attention), and their blue and gold also gets mostly seeds. Both these birds are willed to me and I know when I finally get them I'm going to have big vet bills :(

It's terrible when it's your friends who simply don't know better.
So sad. I have some friends, they gave me Rosie, who have a African gray and blue and gold macaw. The African gray gets a sunflower seed diet and has no toys(but also gets all day attention), and their blue and gold also gets mostly seeds. Both these birds are willed to me and I know when I finally get them I'm going to have big vet bills :(

It's terrible when it's your friends who simply don't know better.

I am taking care of a friends CAG by proxy. She is experiencing hard times and is for all intents and purposes homeless. I get bulk food for Hahnzel but he doesn't eat all of it every day. I asked my breeder and cleared giving her my day-old leftovers for Chester, her CAG. I heard how he was eating completely wrong but rather than scold her, I just started giving her our extra food and gently instructing her on the do's and don'ts of feeding her bird. I've made some toys for him too, but I was most concerned for his diet.
you can search in your area for a bird rescue. i volunteer at san diego bird rescue where they rehabilitate birds with behavioral problems or take them in from owners who can no longer take care of them. i think this may be a good option if you have one in your area
So sad! Why on earth would they hoard parrots when they can't give them the life they deserve? My cockatiel came from a similar situation--we were at a bird store when some people came up to us and wanted to essentially dump him on us. His cage was tiny and cheap, and they had a billion other pets (they probably indulged their children in every single 'OOH CAN WE KEEP IT? I WANT THIS! LET'S GET ANOTHER PUPPY').

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