my hans macaw have chicks


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
in my country we do not have many hans macaws at all

mine have been on eggs they mate like crazy even tho they have access to a HUGE flight area

I heard a chick sqaking

the male feeds the female but he gets very mad if she leaves the nest and chases her back

he fed her all month now i hear chicks, i want to see them so bad can i?:rainbow1::red::blue:
Do you have access to an avian vet? Do you know how old the chicks are? I would highly suggest you giving the chicks to a vet or a breeder who knows how to hand-rear babies once they are old enough, then stop your birds from having any more babies. There are so many things that can go wrong if you're inexperienced, it is really dangerous for the babies.

To keep them from laying eggs, you can:
Separate them
Take away nesting places

If they have eggs anyway, or you can't/wont separate them:
Remove eggs and replace them with fake eggs
boil the eggs and put them back(you will need to remove them when she abandons them so they don't go bad)
freeze them and put them back(same as the option above)

Also make sure your girl is getting plenty of vitamins, especially calcium. Egg laying takes allot out of the mama. Best of luck with your babies.

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