My Hahn's will arrive soon


New member
Mar 21, 2015
East Coast U.S.
Perry: Standard green and yellow budgie.
Peep: Blue and white budgie.
Harvey: Hahn's Macaw
I will see be the proud owner of a baby Hahn's macaw, just as soon as he is weaned. The breeder is sending us weekly updates with pictures, and he is progressing quite well, and seems to be somewhat ahead of schedule! He already loves playing in water and has begun eating pellets for most of his daily foods. We are expecting him to arrive late this month.

I've already bought a volume of toys for his amusement while we are away at work. Thanks to some advice I've received from JerseyWendy, I have him a rather large and beautiful dark green cage, 3'X3'X6'.

I would like to get a decent out-of-cage perch like the java trees I have seen at a couple bird stores i've been to recently, but they are pretty pricey. If anyone has tips on good alternatives, I would be greatly appreciative. I'm also looking to build a perch for our tub similar to what I saw in a youtube video the other day, which was just short enough the bird's feet were in the water and he could flap his wings into it and dip in a little as he liked.

I have already procured a harness, which I will begin training him with ASAP so I can take him for walks during the warmer months with us. Maybe he will enjoy coming to my soccer games too! Any advice on how to limit his interactions with other people? Given that he is technically a wild animal, I will warn everyone that he may bite, just to be on the safe side. This state is quite well known for lawsuits for anything and everything.

Any other general advice I'm not thinking to ask for?
Thanks all!
Perch- You have many trees to pick from in your area! Sycamore, plus many more, do some searches. For a base, if you have a tractor supply store, see if they have farrow discs.
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I wouldn't exactly call myself handy, but I'm sure I can learn! Hopefully, I don't mess up enough to make the material cost higher than having just purchased a pre-built ;)

I see a trip to a tool store in my future. I found a link that showed a nifty toy in the video I think I will have to try out. It was basically children's toy blocks strung together on a rope, but with varying size holes drilled all into the sides of each block, that various foodstuff were put into. That should be fairly simple and straightforward to make.
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I should be getting some pictures in tonight, and will post a few of them along with some of the previous weeks' as soon as I get a chance!

I was trying to talk my wife into letting me build that massive playstand like Birdman made, but her response was emphatically in the negative lol, so I suppose I have to go with something a little smaller and more tame. I will have to try to make it something she can stand to have near the window in our bedroom so I can have him sit next to us while we play video games.

I've seen lists of safe/unsafe woods, and it seems that oak bark can be an issue, but as long as I strip the bark it should be okay? Has anyone else tried it? I have quite a few oak in the back yard, but not much else anywhere nearby.

I also like the idea of the car perch I've seen a few people on the forum make. I think once I have him used to his leash and can take him out, I'll make that so I can take him to farther locales, like a state park or something.
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A picture from the week immediately before we made the purchase decision.

And one from right after.

And the '3rd' week, right after a little dip in some water which he seemed to enjoy.
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Obviously, and intelligent and fun-loving baby. Just look at his sweet "come at me bro" face :54:


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