My goffin, Drake


New member
Jan 30, 2013
Goffins Cockatoo
Ive had drake since he was 1. He is now 12. He was a gift from a past relationship. In all this time I have never been bitten. Drake is full flight, gets out of his cage often, isn't the best eater, plucks some, really doesn't scream that much, talks a bit and has been a great companion. I have lived alone since my divorce in 1987. I've had some long term relationships, but have remained living independently. I dated a man for two years. He visited often, stayed over some. He and my bird got along well. This past fall we decided to co habitate and things have not been the same with the bird. I believe he is jealous. I have been bitten 4 or 5 times and my friend has also been bitten. Drake will go after him. My friend does have some understanding of birds and feels they should not be kept as pets or held in cages. He feels sorry for the bird. He isn't telling me to get rid of the bird but says he cannot live "like this" ... Getting bit for no apparent reason.
I did contact a very reputable sanctuary and they said they would either keep him or find him a qualified home. I'm supposed to be making a decision tomorrow.
I need words of wisdom... Now
Well you could work with why he is biting if you are wiling to do that. There is always some kind of reason behind biting and I'm sure it can be solved. With more information on his attempts to bite and so on I'm sure we could help you out:).

Or if you feel you have absolutely no want to do that then I guess you should go the route of taking him to the rescue.

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