My first attempt at making my own toys


Bird poop and baby poop
Dec 26, 2006
New Hampshire USA
15 year-old Sun Conure: Hamlet &
14 year-old Green-Cheeked Conure: Mac
Ok, so I got ambitious today and bought some stuff from my favorite parrot store and made my own toy ... It's about 18 inches long, has a jingly ball and lots of chewable wood (if you look real closely you can see our team loyalties in this house) and only cost me a total of $6 for all the parts ... the hardest part of putting it together was keeping the fids away from me long enough to put it all together.

This type of toy would easily cost me $15 if I purchased it outright ... I might pursue this avenue more often ...
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I make most of mine if you want to know any sites for parts let me know...
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I need a site to find cheap hemp/sisal rope ...
Hemp I go to walmart, in the craft section, or Michael's crafts there is usually a 40% off coupon in the paper weekly for one regular price item. They sell a few thickness's. and if you use the coupon you get it for next to nothing
I also like for other ropes including sizal, and parts you dont have to buy big quantities. and my tiels and Sennie love the balsa wood there.
Wow! That looks great! I love going to the shows and getting stuff to make toys with. I also buy toys and if the fids really like them, I make them myself! That way I save the effort to start, lol!
Love the toy. Been making my own as well. I bought my Sisal rope at Birdie Boredom Busters. Got 50 feet for $6.

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