My first Africa Gray Rescue


New member
Oct 20, 2015
I recently got an African gray of a seller and this is my first bird pet. My daughter decided we call she Tico and my son thinks Tiku is a better name we're still resolving that.
I have never owned a parrot and have no idea how to calm him down the seller said he was 4months old so I know we have a long road to travel together, I need as much advise as I can get on proper care and training.
I'm naturally a dog person and have 2 now expecting an addition soon.

Tico/Tiku is so cute I just want to give her the best I'm based in Lagos nigeria :green2:
Did you buy from a breeder, pet store or hand raiser? Four months old seems far too young to be a rescue bird, not to say bird that young can't be a rescue, just unlikely. (also hoping this bird wasn't taken from the wild?)

Tico/Tiku will need a large cage. I wouldn't recommend anything smaller than a 36" x 32" (91.5 cm x 81 cm), along with plenty of perches and toys! If you can find them, you'll want destructible toys, foraging toys and perhaps even some toys that make noise. :)

I'm not sure what you have available to you, food wise, but a pelleted diet is often recommended, along with fresh vegetables, some fruits, healthy grains and legumes (beans), and a few nuts. Peanuts aren't nuts! Nuts like almonds, walnuts, pecans, pine nuts, etc.

Is Tico/Tiku eating foods on her own? And do you have a gram scale to keep track of her weight?

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