My Extrovert Amazon


New member
Nov 9, 2012
Moved to Chapala, Mexico six years ago.
Seven cockatiels, Pepe (gray pied) and Miko (lutino), and Lola (pearl), Josie (cinnamon) and Jose (whiteface pied). Coco is pure white male and Rocky is gray pied. Lilac Crowned Amazon - Chu Chu
Here in Mexico, pets are permitted in restaurants. It's not that it's permitted, there just isn't any laws forbidding them. ChuChu, my Lilac Crowned Amazon is 3 yrs. old and raised by an older couple who doted on him, but I don't believe he was ever taken from his home. I'm sure he's never had a bad experience. He didn't show any preference for either the husband or wife and went to me immediately. I've now had him for 4 1/2 months and I take him to restaurants, street markets and visiting friends. He rides my scooter in a travel bag and I carry a portable PVC Tstand that I made and it easily assembles or breaks down.

I'm wondering if anyone else has such an outgoing and gregarious parrot as ChuChu. He goes to everyone that greets him and poses for photos. He's actually demanding of other people's attention with calls and a stooped position with outstretched fluttering wings until someone comes over to pick him up either male or female. He's never shown any aggression except to me if I go to retrieve him and he's careful to poop only when placed back on the stand. I even had him flutter off the stand and walk over to another diner and ask to be picked up. Everyone's attention and laughter really gets him wound up and he dances excitedly all over the top of the stand talking and whistleing. I know we are really bonded or I might be jealous, but are LCA's like this or do I have an exceptional bird.
I grew up with an amazon (YN) while living mostly in Central America. She went every where and did every thing. Very similar to you and Chu-Chu. If given the chance amazons can be very social ,you just need to expose them to many situations. I don't think you really have an exceptional bird, just exceptional opportunity to create one. Congrats.
I remember my Lilac being social and a good mimic of all kinds of sounds. Enjoy him with all your heart.
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Yes, he's a wonderful mimic of sounds and has an extensive vocabulary. Luckily my new landlords say they love living in the jungle. I'm afraid the residents of my last apartment bldg. were not so happy. We won't tell ChuChu he's not exceptional, everyday I tell him he's a wondrous bird and I love him. He say's, "I love you and ChuChu's a good birdie," but when I tickle him all over he yell's, "BIRD ABUSE" and "Parrot for Sale."
Chuchu sounds like a wonderful, fun-loving bird:D Now, sharing these kind of things brings up the point someone is BOUND to ask....CAN YOU GET HIM SCREAMING "BIRD ABUSE" AND "PARROT FOR SALE" ON VIDEO?! That sounds absolutely hilarious:)

Our BFA amazon likes to go out in public, however, he stays in his 'bird backpack' and does not go to strangers (though lots of people take his photo:52: and I think it goes to his head lol). He took immediately to going out and about with us, and I think when given the chance, any happy zon (or really most parrots) enjoys "seeing the world" a bit;) It's mentally stimulating for them, fun AND (best of all) they get to come with their flock (as opposed to being left at home while you disappear, which is LESS natural to them than coming with you)!
I had three that were like that. My red lored, my nape, and my BFA.

My LCA is 41 years old, and she goes to anyone. She's just not a touchy feelie bird, and doesn't really talk.

Getting them out and about, in my opinion, is the key to opening up their personalities. Out and about birds that are exposed to strangers all the time, just do so much better with new situations, than birds that fester in cages, and in situations where every day is the same old, same old...
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This week I recognized that getting ChuChu out and about greatly reduced or I should say, eliminated his yelling for attention the entire rest of the day. While playing or napping on his tree gym he talked or whistled much more without the loud natural calls or pinging. So now our daily routine may be sweeping the patio and sidewalk, taking a long stroll around the neighborhood, walking with him in his backpack to visit friends or doing some shopping. He's very reluctant to poop on me, in his travel bag or on furniture and on these trips I don't carry his portable Tstand so we've been working on pooping on command from my hand. So far the lessons have been very successful, but I get a few chuckles when passersby hear me exclaim, "Good poop". I can't wait for him to pick that one up and repeat it. I have now come up with a smaller version of his portable Tstand that I can more easily carry or strap on the scooter for trips to patio restaurants where food cups and toys aren't necessary, but I don't want to be constantly holding him or have him on my shoulder.
I have advocated getting them out and about for many years. It definitely improves their behaviors, and eliminates a lot of bad "boredom" related behaviors.

They were never meant to sit inside in cages!

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