My Cuddle Bug!


New member
Mar 19, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Dallas and Tsukasa (Cockatiels)
Mango and Munchlax (Peach Faced Lovebirds)
It's a lovely change, not being attacked by her beak when we feed her!

Now, she is demanding scritches!

Did one in black and white, and the original :D

She is so adorable. I wish I could scratch my Basil's head like that. He won't let me. He only lets me do scritchies with my face against his head!
So cute! I love the pictures.
it took two years to build this bond with her to have her demand scritches all the time. went from a handfed but unsocialized baby to this attention seeking scritch hog! lol i feel honoured after such a long road of earning her trust!
it took two years to build this bond with her to have her demand scritches all the time. went from a handfed but unsocialized baby to this attention seeking scritch hog! lol i feel honoured after such a long road of earning her trust!

We've made incredible progress in one year...from being totally untame and afraid of my hands to wanting to be with me and one me all the time. But being able to scratch his little noggin is the one thing I can't do. Yet. But we will get there :)
She's so beautiful -- her amazing colors and purply feet - wow. Glad she finally realized that scritches are better than snips.
AWWWwww I see that and I remember cherry my aunts love bird, she wouldent let anyone else touch her but she and I would play hide and go seek every chance we got and she would give a 'special' scream every time I showed up and fling seeds at me before doing her funny dance and demanding "verver veee" (never knew what that meant but she would say it every day) and run over to the other side of her cage and look down, so we could play the hide and go seek.

You are so lucky, I havent reached the right time to get a bird yet but I think when I start, I might get myself a lovebird.
She is gorgeous the same colours as one had years ago called googie. After she died I had a tattoo done of her for my decollage from her photo. So realisitic. Loved mine to bits.
Time, love, food and patience will usually win over the hardest case.
Keep up the good work
her brother, Mango, is as tame as we think he will ever be. He does not step up, but he enjoys a conversation with us. He flies over to us when he wants to and we leave it up to him how much interaction he wants with us. He's not a people bird. He was parent raised and his personality is very shy and timid, but curious.

Munch was always bold, always the first to check something out. Never spooked--she'd attack instead lol It's been a long but well worth it road. She never responded to treats. She preferred coming to us if we had a toy she wanted. Sometimes millet, but she often ignored it.

She is so incredibly soft! conquers all, but it's nice to see that they figure that out on their own ;)
lovely pictures!

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