Here is my girl, Lacee. She is a rescue and was neglected and I'm guessing even abused at her previous owners. When I brought her home she was the most scared cockatiel I had ever seen! The worst case of fear ever. She didn't trust nor wanted to trust any person. She would slam frantactly against the cage bars if anyone just walked by... her quality of life was so horrible! It was no way to live, constantly in fear of your life. I took the time to prove to her not all people are as horrible as the man who previously had her captive! This is Lacee now, 3 years later! It took me 2 years to gain enough trust with her for her TRUE personality to shine through. She is now 9 years old, she was 6 when I rescued her. Makes me wonder sometimes what this poor girl has gone through... but that's the past, and this is her wonderful future! <3
[ame=]Cuttest Cockatiel you'll Ever see! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Cuttest Cockatiel you'll Ever see! - YouTube[/ame]