My budgie's making weird sounds


New member
Dec 26, 2015
Hey guys,

Please help me out because we don't have a specialist avia vet nearby. Basically my parrot does these weird squeaky sounds almost all day and all night long. Is this some kind of mating behavior or do you think he's sick? :/

Here's the video:
[ame=""]parrot weird squeak - YouTube[/ame]

I'm really worried.. that's been going on for almost a week. Please help.
Welcome to the forums.

It looks to me as if your budgie is gasping for air. :( Is there any discharge from his nose, and/or does he cough?

Are there any vets in your country that can examine parrots?
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Thank you so much for the reply.

Unfortunately no vets are nearby... we'll have to find one and drive for a few hours, which I guess also will put a stress on the bird...

He has never left the cage so far. I guess he's scared.

But we just caught him to listen to his back, while breathing.I don't think he has problem breathing... just making those sounds..

He doesn't look seek, he eats, drinks water normally, poops... etc.

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