My boy J.R. died??

Baby girl & Adam

New member
Aug 15, 2007
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:confused:Hello everyone, I am new and I had 3 yellow naped parrots. Now I have 2. Our youngest boy, J.R. who was about eight years old, was the healthiest and most vocal of all 3. We left and went on vacation and had someone take care of them while we were gone, when we came home, I noticed J.R. wasnt eating very well, the next day he started throwing up and he died that night. suddenly, no other signs. My question is does any one know why a healthy bird would get sick that fast, and are my other 2 in danger of what he had? Any info would be greatly appreciated.:confused:
Welcome to the Forum. I am terribly sorry for your loss, that is tragic and heartbreaking. The only way to know for sure why J.R. died is by way of a necropsy and with two other healthy birds in the home, I would highly recommend you have one performed. It is important to know and important for your peace of mind.

Again, I'm sorry, deeply, for your loss. :(
thank you, what is a necropsy? It just doesnt make any sense why he died. we have had them for at least 5 years and they have been fine until this. i just done understand it.
Hi and welcome to PF, I'm so sorry for your loss.

I would get him to your avian vet who will be able to do a necropsy (kinda like a post mortem) that will be able to determine why he died. The vet will then be able to let you know if you need treatment for your other two birds. (Don't want to worry you, but you don't want to take any chances)

Where bouts are you? someone may be able to recommend and avian vet to your if you don't already have one.

Again I'm sorry for your loss.
I live in southern indiana, 5 mins from louisville kentucky. I sure dont want to take a chance with adam and baby girl. can humans get sick from the birds too?
Sorry for you loss :(

these guys are giving some great advice. You should deff have a vet find out why he died, and make sure your other birds arnt at risk.
Hopfuly it won't be contagious to your other fids.
Did you ask your care taker if J.R. was given any foods he shouldnt have eaten or got into something he shouldnt have been in?
Just something to think about
J.R. was an amazing escape artist. He has a large cage with a large hook lock, but no matter how many times we would lock the door, he would manuveur the lock and get out. I am wondering if he got out and flew somewhere in the house he shouldn't have, but there is nothing around that I can think of that would have made him get sick. there wasnt even as much as a pencil out in the open. So I dont think that was it. and ron, just give them fresh food and water, every day. he said they were acting fine. nothing out of the ordinary. my daughter also has 2 cockatiels that he was taking care of, and they are also fine.
what kind of food... was your friend aware that some foods like onions and apple seeds are bad?
Yeah, then I would deff make sure that you have the vet check all three brirds out, starting with JR
Also, so be safe, you should wash down every thing that he had come in conact with or even near, including your other fids cages because you could be transfering with your hands too
I too am very sorry for your loss, and I know that it is hard at a time like this to think straight - but get a necropsy this is something that MUST BE DONE
loosing one bird is tough, but IF your little J.R. had something that could be passed to your whole flock then it could be an ever bigger tragedy should it get passed to the rest of your birds.

Please if you haven't all ready, place J.R.'s body in a cool place (not the freezer) and get his body to a CERTIFIED AVIAN VET A.S.A.P. - While you are awaiting your results watch your other two birdies for any of the slightest changes in behavior anything out of the "norm" should be thought of as a warning sign until you know for sure what happened to poor J.R. ... remember birds will hide their sicknesses for as long as possible (usually until it is too late for their humans to get them help) you need to watch these other two for ANYTHING that is unusual in their behaviors.

Good luck with this one, it has got to be really tough loosing a fid ... but do what it takes to protect the other two!

~ TEX :50:
I am also really sorry for your loss.

Another thing to think about is, Does your caretaker have any birds of his own? They could have been passed on from them. It could be a virus.
Do you have any other pets such as a cat or a dog? They could have got at him. Dog and Cat saliva is deadly towards birds and small animals.
Like every one else said, i highly recommend a necropsy. You certainly don't want to put your other feathered friends at risk.

here's a good site to find an avian vet:

Here's some vets in Indiana:
I don't know where these are in terms of where you are, but here they are anyway.

David Lewis
5026 Decatur Road
Ft Wayne, IN 46806
Phone: 219 744-4121

Sheri Carpentier
244 W US HWY 6
Valparaiso, IN 46385
Phone: 219-762-7267

Janice Raab
4125 East Morgan Ave.
Evansville, IN 47715
Phone: 812-477-3826
Fax: 812-477-9955

Jim Koch
115 N Smith Road
Bloomington, IN 47408
Phone: 8123396115
Fax: 8123230226

Ellen Cook
210 S. Peru St.
Cicero, IN 46034
Phone: 317-984-9327
Fax: 317-984-9328

Kenneth Kaucic
60660 US 31
South Bend, IN 46614
Phone: 219 291-3302
Fax: 219 299-8173

Carol Dartz
244 W US Hwy 6
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Phone: 219-762-7267

Laurence Reed
Westchester Anim Hosp- 55E US 20
Porter, IN 46304
Phone: 219 926-1194
Fax: 219 926-1195

Ellen Cook
210 S. Peru St.
Cicero, IN 46034
Phone: 317-984-9327
Fax: 317-984-9328


And here's one in Louisville Kentucky

Samuel Vaughn
203 Moser Road
Louisville , KY 40223
Phone: 502 245-7863
Fax: 502-245-2869


All from:

Hope that helps.
Once again I'm really sorry for your loss.

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