My birdroom


New member
Sep 27, 2011
Piper - Peachface Lovebird;
Shade - Senegal Parrot;
Joey & Pixel - Red-bellied Parrots;
Petey & Zuri - Meyer's Parrots;
Léa - Cape Parrot
I've been requested to share about it.

So I'll link to two things.
First, I did a post on my blog about the progression of my bird playing area over the years.

There are pictures and such and you can find it here:
Birdroom Evolution

In that particular post I also shared a video, which I'll share here. It's the latest overall look at my birdroom - taken before Léa joined the family but her (empty) cage is in the room.

[ame=]Tour of the birdroom - YouTube[/ame]

The birds are in our spare bedroom and that is what you see in the video. However, we also bring them out in the living room where I have a few stands, including a full size Java tree and a few Java table stands. I also have some hanging stuff (atoms, swings) so that they have places to hang out with us there :)
Amazing!!! I'm going to have to steal a few of your ideas.
I love it. I'm going to steal some ideas too!!!
Actually I think my birds are packing their bags to come live with you right now.
I wish I lived in your bird room ;)
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Amazing!!! I'm going to have to steal a few of your ideas.

A few of the things in there were borrowed ideas for other places. It's nice sometimes to have inspiration on which to work from!

I love it. I'm going to steal some ideas too!!!
Actually I think my birds are packing their bags to come live with you right now.

Yikes! I'm running out of place! They can come and play, but I'm afraid extended stay will be a bit hard to do ;)

I wish I lived in your bird room ;)

I actually can't wait to move and be able to have a bigger room - it gets crowded in there..

How do you keep the floor clean?

Frequent vacuuming and I have big plastic sheets, the kind to put under an office chair when on carpet, on the floor :)
FUN to be a parrot in your house!!!! Mine are packing as well!! :)

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