My bird is hurt, I think...


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Mar 23, 2019
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Please help me here.

Just a couple hours ago, I decided to clip my birds wings. I have never done this before, so I just based my experience off tutorials and reading threads on this.

Everything went fine, from what I was aware of at the time. A few minutes after doing, I realized that it was bleeding.. I looked further into this, just to realize that it was a blood feather that was bleeding.

I decided to once more, watch a video on how to remove a blood feather and I based my experience off that. Pretty sure I did it right, I used tweezers and it seemed like the bleeding stopped.

I realized that he has been doing this weird movement with his wings. He won't ever let the left wing go down, it just stays up - and every 5 minutes, he'll lift up both wings. Please help, I don't know if I damaged a nerve of what, but I really messed up by accident.


Hi there. First dont panic, birds can pick up our emotional moods. Second, as long as the bleeding has stopped, you have turned off the blood faucet that blood feathers can become, if not pulled out successfuly. You may have strained a muscle on him. Please keep an eye on him and if he shows no improve ment, get him to a certified avian vet for examination. Me, I would get him in there on Monday just in case.
How about "If you are not sure about how to do something GET A CAV to show you!"
(al least the first time)

Get your birdy to a CAV as soon as possible, you may have overstretched, bruised, mangled or broken something / several somethings.
Get him checked out by someone who knows!

(and I do not mean by the way of the internet*, fork over some real money to a real expert aka CAV! * esp. not some amateur "long-time-breeder I know everything by just seeing a photo" either!)
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Please help me here.

Just a couple hours ago, I decided to clip my birds wings. I have never done this before, so I just based my experience off tutorials and reading threads on this.

Everything went fine, from what I was aware of at the time. A few minutes after doing, I realized that it was bleeding.. I looked further into this, just to realize that it was a blood feather that was bleeding.

I decided to once more, watch a video on how to remove a blood feather and I based my experience off that. Pretty sure I did it right, I used tweezers and it seemed like the bleeding stopped.

I realized that he has been doing this weird movement with his wings. He won't ever let the left wing go down, it just stays up - and every 5 minutes, he'll lift up both wings. Please help, I don't know if I damaged a nerve of what, but I really messed up by accident.


We can't see the clip that was done to his wing fully, or know how you pulled the blood feather? If the bird lifting wing, that not a good sign as the bird likely in pain, or something was pulled, or damaged? The bird need to see a vet in that case.
You need to get your Budgie to an Avian Specialist Vet ASAP, because when you pull out a blood feather and you don't know what you're doing, you can do all kinds of damage to the bone that it was growing out of...I had this happen to my own Cockatiel who broke a blood-feather while flying, and that was 3 years ago and she just now, this past week started flying again, I had caused an injury to the bone and muscle the feather was in, and I have clipped literally hundreds of bird-wings and pulled out tons of blood-feathers,, but I still caused damage...What happens is that when the blood-feather is pulled-out, it easily lifts pieces of bone and muscle with it, causing a second injury...So you need to have an Avian Vet look at the wing immediately, because what you have to worry about in the short-term is a bacterial infection quickly setting-in to the bone or the muscle, which will kill your bird without the correct Antibiotics...Plus he also needs some pain meds/anti-inflammatory meds because he's obviously in a lot of pain as well.

Christa is right, it's best to not "try" doing things that you've never done to your bird without a mentor or professional like an Avian Vet showing you how. Step #1 to learning how to clip a bird's wings is "First look to make sure there are no blood-feathers you could possibly cut"...I'm not saying that to be mean or nasty to you, but to show you how easily you can seriously injure or kill you bird, and like now you'll have to spend money at an Avian Vet because he's injured, possibly badly...And NEVER watch a "YouTube" video and then follow it when it comes to doing things to ANY ANIMAL, those videos are usually totally incorrect and contain so much false information and things that are just flat-out wrong that you're sure to make a huge mistake and even possibly kill your bird, or any other pet following them...
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