My Bird is a Brat


New member
Jun 18, 2017
I have 2 budgies one of which I've had for over a year. Spirit is so bad sometimes. He will do things just to get on my nerves. He thinks he's SOOO FUNNY!!

I have this fear of him getting stepped on and don't like him around feet. He knows this and stays away from feet most of the time. When he's in one of his moods though he will repeatedly fly to my boyfriends feet and nibble on them. I shoo him off and yell at him. He just flies around the room and then lands on his feet again!

He does other things too. He'll try to take the food right out of my mouth if he's in a mood and I'm eating. He will land on top of my head which is his favorite landing spot and creep down toward my face and nibble on my forehead or pull my glasses right off my face.

I have learned that when he's in a mood like that he's just being a sleepy baby bird and needs a nap!

I do the 'time out' thing, but it's not really a punishment when he has more toys in his cage than I ever had in my bedroom as a kid! I put him in his cage and he starts playing like a lunatic and I know he'll tire himself out eventually and take a nap.

When he wakes up from his nap I have my SWEET sweet baby bird back!

We let the birds out frequently. We have only had Jax since March so he's still adjusting to the budgie good life and is a little timid. I leave their cage door open and have their gym sitting on the ottoman. I take the birds out of the cage and put them on their gym. Well Spirit thinks it's hilarious to make Jax fly back to the cage so he can have all the treats and attention to himself! Out of no where he'll just take off super quick and it scares the crap out of Jax. Jax follows Spirit back into the cage. Then Spirit comes back out and has everything to himself!

I guess I was supposed to introduce myself but I'm boring! I just wanted to join this forum to have a place to talk about how intelligent my 20 dollar parakeets are. I feel like my bird has the intelligence of a four or five year old child. I get frustrated because people just don't get it when I try to share.

I treat them like my children. I don't treat them like they're human children, because they're not. I feel like Spirit especially tries to communicate with me. I try my best to know his body language and his moods. I think he knows that and respects that about me. I love waking up to hear him telling himself what a pretty baby bird he is. I love it when he says "I love you" because even though he might not know the meaning of his words, I feel like he means it.

Here's a little video I made a while back of Spirit being a sweetie if you want to check it out. Just don't yell at me for petting his back! He was just being so sweet I couldn't resist. Very very rarely does he get pet like that. Normally he's being a jerk!

[ame=""]DSCF0952 - YouTube[/ame]

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