My beloved 1 1/2 year old Green cheek conure Yoshi flew out an open door and has been missing for 2 weeks.


New member
Nov 21, 2023
I have/had a male, 1 1/2 year old Green cheek conure named Yoshi. He got out of the house and flew away. I looked for him and called for him until it got dark, but no luck😔 I. am beyond sad
My beloved 1 1/2 year old Green cheek conure Yoshi flew out an open door on November 21st. 2023, and has been missing for 2 weeks. I am so heart broken and feel helpless. I live in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. I have searched for him every day, calling for him and playing sounds he responds to. I've looked in all of the trees in my yard and other areas around my neighborhood. I put his cage outside with his favorite toys, perch, and food. I am worried about him as there are hawks, owls and other birds of prey all around us. It's even harder not knowing where he is. No one has commented on any of my posts regarding sightings of him. I am devastated and I miss him very much. I don't know what more to try, but I am open to any suggestions. 💔🦜 Thank You ❤️


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I’m so sorry to hear this! Not knowing is the worst 😢. In addition to what you are already doing, I would suggest notifying animal control, putting up flyers with pictures in popular places like grocery stores ( with permission from the owner of course), and putting a “missing”sign with a picture of your bird in your front yard so that people driving or walking by can see it. The more people who know, the higher the likelihood that you will reach someone who has seen something. Prayers that your bird returns safe and sound❤️
Thank you for your kind words and suggestions. I'm going to keep trying to find him ❤️
I am so sorry, this has happened. Non the matter we are here for you! I truly truly am sorry, I couldn't imagine..dont give up!!
Tons of flyers, posted in every store, church, laundromat, supermarket in your area, and making sure they stay up can often get lost parrots back. Dont give up!
Dont forget handing out some to your neighbors too!
I'm so sorry to hear that your bird flew away :( I hope you find him soon!

My best suggestion is to post flyers wherever you can and notifying people you know about your bird so that they can keep an eye out for him.
My beloved 1 1/2 year old Green cheek conure Yoshi flew out an open door on November 21st. 2023, and has been missing for 2 weeks. I am so heart broken and feel helpless. I live in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. I have searched for him every day, calling for him and playing sounds he responds to. I've looked in all of the trees in my yard and other areas around my neighborhood. I put his cage outside with his favorite toys, perch, and food. I am worried about him as there are hawks, owls and other birds of prey all around us. It's even harder not knowing where he is. No one has commented on any of my posts regarding sightings of him. I am devastated and I miss him very much. I don't know what more to try, but I am open to any suggestions. 💔🦜 Thank You ❤️
I'm so sorry Yoshi flew away! So very sad in a way that only a bird owner can understand. It's my biggest nightmare and the biggest downfall of having birds. At least in your climate an escaped parrot won't freeze to death within hours like where I live, so there's still a good chance he's still alive and you and Yoshi will be reunited. Best of luck!
That's tough to deal with. It's happened to me and I'm always afraid it will happen again. The closer I get to my bird the more I'm contemplating putting a foot ring on him with my number on it. Chances are they will approach humans when their lost
I am so sorry, this has happened. Non the matter we are here for you! I truly truly am sorry, I couldn't imagine..dont give up!!
Thank you. I still look for him every day. I miss him so much
I'm so sorry Yoshi flew away! So very sad in a way that only a bird owner can understand. It's my biggest nightmare and the biggest downfall of having birds. At least in your climate an escaped parrot won't freeze to death within hours like where I live, so there's still a good chance he's still alive and you and Yoshi will be reunited. Best of luck!
Thank you. I'm not losing hope and pray that I find him

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