My baby Zod said her first word!


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2017
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A crossover Quaker Scuti (F), A Sun conure named AC, A Cinnamon Green Cheek conure Kent, and 5 budgies, yellow (m), clark Jr. (m), Dot (f), Zebra(f), Machine (m).
My vet said when I got Zod that she would be much harder to train English to than Clark since she has someone to speak bird to.

But last night I was in bed while they were running around and I heard "come-on" which is our kind of default flock "motto" I guess.

I thought it was Clark as usual then i realized Clark was in the cage and it was coming from the other direction...Zod was saying it!

I'm so happy!

But honestly even though Clark is older stronger and more bonded to me, Zod is the smarter of the two, and often picks things up that I have to show Clark. Like I added a ladder from the floor to the cage, Zod just used it where I had to show Clark, "look I put in a ladder for you". .....That or Clark is just more spoiled.

:gcc: + :gcc:
I'm so jealous! I have 4 non English speakers here....
First word is always a milestone! I'm sure Clark and Zon will tag-team each other and accelerate their learning abilities.

I love when Pico talks.
Congratulations! Now you can be told to COME ON in both ears at once. Good for yu, Zodlette!
Awesome! Pearl is my only bird that talks, Kermit has never said a word.
Clark is the smart one, she’s always had some poor sap (i.e. you!) to do stuff for her! Rather like my husband really...

Keep up the good work Zod, go to the top of the class!
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First words are so special. Salty's was "Daddy". Now he picks up words and sentences pretty quickly and some we dont even know where he got them from, like "Hheeeeelllpp!" at the top of his lungs. Make sure to have some one on one speech sessions with Zod.
That's wonderful, congrats! :59:

I remember how excited I was when I first heard Levi say his name. :D
That was his first word.
Congrats! That is a great flock call. I'm pretty sure ours is "KISSES" (almost always screamed, because, well, parrots)... which is both hilarious and rather forward of the bird.

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