My baby had a little fright...


May 19, 2013
Cockatiels - Oz & Kaila
So, I went to the movies with a friend of mine this afternoon and my brother was left to watch out for Oz in case something happened while I was gone. It seems he had a 'night' fright. Dark comes pretty quick these days so it got completely dark out before my return. I told everyone in the family to never leave him in complete darkness but I guess I should have reminded them before I left =(. He had a little panic and knocked out one of his brand new flight feathers as well as a tail feather. He seems fine otherwise but I'm pretty sad I wasn't there to prevent his from happening. Will I have to clip/pull out the symmetrical feather or will it grow back quickly? I'm worried it'll make him lose control of his flying and I wouldn't want him hurting himself...

Oh, he also got his new cage a while ago but I haven't had time to post pics yet. I'll try to later.
I'm sorry that happened! Arya had a night fright recently and it was scary for both of us. As for the feather, if the whole feather pulled out, it should grow back on its own in time. If it broke off though, and part of it is still in his skin, you may want to have a vet look at it to assess if it needs to be pulled or cut.

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