So, I went to the movies with a friend of mine this afternoon and my brother was left to watch out for Oz in case something happened while I was gone. It seems he had a 'night' fright. Dark comes pretty quick these days so it got completely dark out before my return. I told everyone in the family to never leave him in complete darkness but I guess I should have reminded them before I left =(. He had a little panic and knocked out one of his brand new flight feathers as well as a tail feather. He seems fine otherwise but I'm pretty sad I wasn't there to prevent his from happening. Will I have to clip/pull out the symmetrical feather or will it grow back quickly? I'm worried it'll make him lose control of his flying and I wouldn't want him hurting himself...
Oh, he also got his new cage a while ago but I haven't had time to post pics yet. I'll try to later.
Oh, he also got his new cage a while ago but I haven't had time to post pics yet. I'll try to later.