My baby girl


Nov 17, 2013
Minnesota, USA
Senegal, Senegal, Black Capped Conure, Green-cheek Conure, Blue Fronted Amazon
Lily Rose was three years old when I brought her home just over 5 years ago. I had my previous pug for over 14 years. I love pugs, but no more puppies for this guy.

This pic is a couple of years old

This pic was taken yesterday
I love pugs, and pekingese, and basically any dogs with those cute pushed in faces. Very cute!
Awwww, cute! I adopted a 6mo pug a while ago. I've never been a 'small dog person', always prefering the bigger breeds. But Gizzy has taken over our home and our hearts. He is the most precious little thing!
OMG PUGS! No breed of dog gets to me like pugs do, and is there anything cuter than a young puppy pug while they are in the cockeyed stage lol. I've had fawn ones (have two females right now) and black ones (love them). I don't think they are for everybody tho - I have been shocked at the amount of hair they shed, some people get alarmed at their breathing lol, and I think they can be rather difficult to potty train. If you can get through that most likely you will have to make room in your bed for it lol
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Aww, what a sweetie! If, by the way, she is gassy after meals, I can help with that! It's common in brachycephalic needs!

With good quality food that's not an issue.

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