My 3 new little friends.


New member
Jan 8, 2015
New Mexico
--PUMPKIN - male YS GCC. Hatched Halloween Day 2014. Came home Jan. 4, 2015. Started talking in July '15!

-BUTTERNUT- female TYS GCC Hatched in late Jan. 2016 and came home March 14, 2016
Hi everyone! There is a local pet store going out of business, and he had several hermit crabs that he wasn't taking care of and one was already dead. So I chose 3 to save and bring home. They live in a 29 gallon tank now and have the proper heat and humidity to breath as well as 6 inches substrate to molt successfully. They have been very inactive the last week while they recover from their pet store torture. They finally started eating and drinking last night so hopefully there was no lasting damaged done. Their names are Sketch, Doodle, and Scribble. One of the best parts is that they can eat the exact same diet that Pumpkin already gets so no changes to my daily routine or extra money for food. Today everyone shared a boiled egg, banana, carrots and green beans as well as Pumpkins hot and hearty cooked food. I'm glad I could save three small lives with basically no extra effort on my part.
Hi Ann, good to see you again and hear the update with your 3 new little pets! My mom had hermits some years ago, but she really didn't know how to take care of them, and they didn't live long, although I'm not sure of the lifespan. She only fed them this powdered hermit crab food that she got from the pet store lol. Sounds like these 3 scored with a great new home and healthy diet!
Sketch, Doodle and Scribble are three very lucky hermit crabs!
Awww, I'm glad you gave the cute little critters a great new home! Love the names!
Awww, how wonderful you rescued these guys:) I also love the names! Hermit crabs are quite cute, and fascinating little creatures. And don't they live a rather long time when you care for them properly? Any pics of them and their setup?
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Thanks everyone! The longest lived captive hermit crabs that I know of are two that were purchased over thirty years ago. Last I heard they are still alive. They are actually very simple to maintain after you do research on proper care and the initial setup.
I think hermit crabs are pretty neat! Good for you for rescuing them! They are 3 lucky amigos! ;)
Ann, I am so happy that you rescued those little guys, and I love their names:) Lucky little crabs to have been adopted by you:)
I'd also love to see pictures!
Yes, pictures would be great! :D
Congrats to you,Sketch, Doodle and Scribble!

My son and daughter had hermit crabs that lived several years. They always had the most fun picking out their new shells. We had spiderman & batman shells for Zachary's hermit crab and princesses, flowers, etc. for Sarah.
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Thanks!! I will post pictures when they come back up. I think two went down for either a molt or to continue to destress. I don't see them anywhere so they must have dug down to bury themselves.
Thanks!! I will post pictures when they come back up. I think two went down for either a molt or to continue to destress. I don't see them anywhere so they must have dug down to bury themselves.

We will wait patiently for the little guys/gals to resurface then:) I hope the poor little things settle in soon. Is that normal hermit crab behavior or are these poor guys really that traumatized?
Sketch, Doodle and Scribble are lucky to have found such a caring home!

My children both had hermit crabs that lived for several years. My son particularly loved picking out the newest shell. We had a batman shell, a spiderman shell, various other super heroes and my daughter had flowers and princess shells for her hemit crab. They certainly enjoyed.
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For hermit crabs it is actually pretty normal. For 9ne thing they are nocturnal but even more important than that is that I have never ever walked into a pets tore where they knew the first thing about caring for them. Petstores for some reason are determined to kill them no matter how many times I try to educate them. The thing is that hermit crabs actually have modified gills and NEED high humidity to breath. That's the most common death for them is suffocation. It is slow and probably very painful. But hopefully I got them in time.

As for the shells I actually prefer the natural shells, but I can see why kids like the painted and designed ones.

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