My 2 breeding pairs.


New member
Apr 1, 2014

I'm new to this forum, but not new to lovebirds :)

So, I've brought these two pairs One of which the male is a double factor blue split opaline split cinnamon and the female is a pallid turqouse and the other pair the male is pallid blue and the female is double factor blue.

They are 7 months old, so in 5 months I can put a nest box so that the most exciting moment will begin :) They were also dna sexed.

Cages are 30 inch by 17 inch by 17 inch

Here's some pictures of them, comments are appreciated :rainbow1:




I'm pretty new to this, so I might be wrong... but if they're seven months old, maybe they should have less millet spray and a few more toys?

But they're very beautiful. I love their colorings. :)
beautiful pairs! I would suggest taking out the plastic perches and putting in some wooden and rope ones instead its better for their feet. And more toys less millet like Lovie said to keep them happy and healthy.
They are really lovely!
They are lovely! I agree that millet is not healthy as a main diet staple, for good health they should be eating few to no seeds. Also some natural wood perches are necessary for their feet.

I know some say that breeders don't need toys, that they will just be distracted from breeding, but may I add my opinion? I don't mean to be inappropriate, but as a married woman I can tell you that having nothing in the house besides my husband would not lead to more babies, it would lead to more fights. I highly suggest some toys, no mirrors or preening toys of course, but some toys to keep your birds' minds sharp and happy :)

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