Mr.Toby still not wanting to step up?


New member
Jun 28, 2015
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New Jersey
Penny(Lesser Sulphur) 19 years old
My parrot Toby which is a Moluccan Cockatoo is a very nice bird, can cuddle up with him when he is on his cage.. But the problem is that he doesn't want to step up at all or step up on anything. I can put my hand against him and he won't push it away with his beak or bite me but no matter what I do from treats or using a perch he uses he won't go up. Have no clue what I'm supposed to do because all the options and how people train their birds to step up are out of the closet.. Sooo, any suggestions on how to make him step up on my arm or perch?
I find my toos step up when they want to. Mine give me the look like - you want me to do what?

What happens if you go in from the back? I had to use that technique on my ekkie a few weeks ago and he has stepped up for me ever since.

Also, my toos tend to step up better if I wrap my arm in a towel. I don't remember why I started using a towel...probably to avoid a bite...but it works.

Have you ever gotten him to step up? If so, what did you do once he stepped up? Did you give him cuddles or put him back in his cage? Besides a treat what was his reward for stepping up?
I only had him on my arm once but he quickly got off because he didn't want to be on. He climbed on my bed so I put my arm against him and he jumped on.. I didn't really suspect him to do such a thing so I didn't have time to get a treat.
It is still a little early in your relationship with him. Just be patient and persistent. If he just likes chilling on the top of the cage (or in the cage) for now let him do that.

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