Mr. Newt's tank is done, and it is awesome! (pic heavy)


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
For those who have been following the 'saga' of my newt tank cover- it is *FINALLY* done! Yay! Mr. Newt has a new home fit for the king of newts. I swapped out the gross old plants and log for a cool new artificial reef and LED volcano. The reef has silicone plants/corals, all these nooks and crannies he can climb in, and theres overall more surface are for him to move and swim. Also upgraded in-tank: instead of some precariously stacked rocks, he now has a magnetic "rock-like" reptile ledge with a plant, which allows for a higher water level, thus more swimming area. Purely cosmetic upgrades were new rocks on the bottom, which are now larger and black, with some red glass pebbles intermixed, a tank background, the LED light in the volcano (no creature needs that, except humans lol) and I splurged on the new light (Finnex Fuge Ray) which has the LED daylight/moonlight and is incredibly bright. Incidentally, the 'moonlights' make the plants and coral glow, which was unexpected, but awesome! The light was totally worth it to highlight the new tank. Even better, Mr. Newt seemed to like it (or maybe he hated it, can't really tell much from a newt), but he was very active last night, climbing all over the decorations and appeared to enjoy the extra room to swim.

Now the tank COVER, of course, is purely cosmetic and I made for no good reason beyond being pretty to look at. I don't even know the newt can see it lol. Once the frame was rebuilt after the 'disaster' I made a bamboo roof out of a placemat (took each stick out and cut to size). I used some little driftwood chunks I found in the Joann floral section for the bottom edges, wove some faux plants on the roof and top sides, and made the "tree trunks" that wrap around out of oven-bake clay. Keeping the practicality of the cover in mind, it has a 2-door back panel for accessing the cords, and open spots on each side for switching the light from daylight to moonlight. For feeding, the cover lifts off like a tissue-box cover (thus the big branch on top, it's a handle!). Anyways, enough rambling, here are the pics (and it might go into 2 posts):


Under Construction:


After (daylight):







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Here's the really awesome thing, the 'moonlights', volcano and everything that 'glows":



Plant on the above-water ledge


Plants/corals on reef decoration



Hanging out by the volcano....


And on the volcano



This is how the cover lifts off


Clay tree detail


Back panel
All I can say is WOW,WOW and WOW again.:eek:. Awesome job and Mr Newt looks very happy in his newt garden of Eden.:D. Even his red spotted belly matches the lighting around the volcano.:)...Alison
Holy smokes! That's absolutely INCREDIBLE! You never cease to amaze me with your projects! Mr. Newt most definitely has the tank of all tanks, I absolutely adore the glowing features. I also got ridiculously excited at the mention of a volcano.

Definitely the best tank I've EVER seen! You give me so much inspiration to do DIY projects :D
Wow, that's really impressive!
:eek::eek:WOW!!! April, you MUST enter that into a contest! :D

That is really out of this world. Not only the aesthetics, but it's so neat and clean in the design too how it lifts off to maintenance the tank. And that stand it's on is amazing too!!!!! That is really a decorative showpiece as well as Mr. Newt's newly renovated home.

I know Mr. Newt LOVES it... I think he's intrigued by the volcano too! :D

Every last detail is so perfect, not to mention completely unique. Do you have a county fair you can enter it in?
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:eek::eek:WOW!!! April, you MUST enter that into a contest! :D

That is really out of this world. Not only the aesthetics, but it's so neat and clean in the design too how it lifts off to maintenance the tank. And that stand it's on is amazing too!!!!! That is really a decorative showpiece as well as Mr. Newt's newly renovated home.

I know Mr. Newt LOVES it... I think he's intrigued by the volcano too! :D

Every last detail is so perfect, not to mention completely unique. Do you have a county fair you can enter it in?

Thanks! I put enough work into it, I wish I could enter it in something. But I wouldn't have a clue what kind of contest I could possibly enter this one in. The reptile/amphibian people don't like the 'unnatural' looks of it, so any kind of vivarium contest, probably not happening. I also couldn't imagine what 'category' at a fair my 'saltwater reef-look' jungle newt tank would fit in:09:
At my county fair I see animal habitats, aviaries with crazy themes of whatever you want. If I find out more info on it I'll be sure to let you know. Might be similar in OR.
WOW!! That's AMAZING!! I'm astonished how super cool it is!!! Mr Newt probably feels like he just won the newt lottery!!!
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Poor little guy didn't *quite* grasp the concept of the ledge:09: Took a little newt nap half hanging out of the water:eek:

Another interesting thing I discovered, apparently he enjoys 'swimming'. I'm pretty sure they are air breathers, so I made sure he could climb the decoration to get out of the water for air easily. Nope, since the water level went up, he's been *swimming* up and down in the empty space to poke his nose out of the water:11: Who knew they liked to swim? He used to just sit in the plants in the old setup.
He probably didn't realize how much he likes to swim either!

I think right now he's just exploring everything and wondering what it all is, and discovering new hobbies... Like swimming :) I bet it won't be long before he takes up sunbathing and climbing?
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Lol. Don't know about sunbathing (wouldn't that be a sight), but I hope he can figure out how to get up on the ledge. It looks most uncomfortable for him to be hanging off it like that:eek:
April, that is just a poem of pure Newtdom! Mr Newt looks as happy as can be in his new bachelor pad. I think you've done him proud: well done! :)
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The newt did *much* better today:D He managed to get 3/4 of himself on the platform.



Mr Newt looks like he has a little smile on his face. Maybe keeping his tail in the water is like people on a warf trying to keep cool by putting their feet in the water:p:D
April, WOW! I am blown away by how beautiful that is! I want to move in with Mr. Newt:)
I don't know if I'm just anthropomorphizing.... But it sure does look like Mr. Newt is consciously enjoying his pampering.

One thing I never thought I'd say about an amphibian... he even has nice skin! :D
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April, WOW! I am blown away by how beautiful that is! I want to move in with Mr. Newt:)

I think we may have to upgrade to a 10 gallon then;) Are you ok with close living quarters and a slimy roommate:D

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