Mr. Manu and his weird feather


New member
Jul 4, 2018
Aloha all,
I'm a mommy of a 1 year old feisty green cheek. We've had him for a year now and hes happy and healthy. I've noticed today he has a flight feather that is grey and appears to be falling out. Hes getting new feathers around his neck, so I'm unsure If this is normal since I've never seen it before or if I should be worried, I can't attach a picture here so you can see I'm not sure why. I also noticed he gets upset when we get close to that feather but none of the other.
Manu mom
Hello, and welcome to the Parrot Forums family! What is it you've never seen before? A gray flight feather on the verge of falling out? Or new feathers around the neck? Either way, molting out old feathers and gaining new ones is a normal experience. The feather might have grayed with age and use, but might be positioned at a slightly uncomfortable angle which leads to his being upset when it's touched.

While I'm fairly certain you have nothing to worry about from what you've told us so far, a pic would help. Here is a link to how to post a pic on this forum. See post #51 specifically on the top of page 6.
Hello, welcome to the forum...

The pin-feathers he has coming-in around his neck are a completely normal part of molting, and they will be sensitive to him until the sheath around them dried-out, then they'll flake-off and release the feather...So that's fine...

As far as the grey feather that is sensitive, I have to say that I've not ever heard of that happening before a feather falls-out...but that doesn't mean anything...If you can post a photo of the grey feather that would be great, better safe than sorry...

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