Moving Senegal


New member
Oct 25, 2010
I was wondering if anyone has advice on moving with a parrott. My husband and I live in Massachusetts and would like to move to New Mexico. We are planning to rent an RV and putting our Senegal, Nicky in his cage and secure it in the RV.

Is this wise? We're worried putting him in a moving vehicle for 3 days. Has anyone moved or travelled with their parrot.

Any insight would be appreciated.

Thank you!
Have fostered birds who had to travel to get to me. Using bird's normal cage helps. Make sure vibration doesn't keep parrot from eating / drinking. Over nights are tricky because you want to control temp or take bird into hotel with you. Finally watch out for other luggage. I had a macaw arrive once who was injured in route when a mirror fell on her during transportation.
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Thank you for your response. We are planning on renting a big RV and most of the driving will be highway so vibration should be cut down. I'm glad you mentioned the vibration- it's something I hadn't thought about. I just want to make sure he's safe.
We also have four cats and a dog to move but the bird is the big issue.

Thanks again!
The cats will probably have roughest time of it. You are going to all have quite an experience!
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Three of our cats will be fine because they're pretty laid back, but my 4th cat will be given tranqs. I actually moved two cats and a dog once and I flew them. That was the most nervous I have ever been in my life. Cats tend to make a big stink and then settle down after they are done giving you the evil eye. The dog and I will not be in the RV, we'll be in a car so it will cut down on the confusion. It will work out! But it will be an adventure.
Hello. I moved this past July and it went fairly well. It was a very hot day but I had water with me all the way. My cat was with my family so it was just me and my bird. I took Rosie on short trial runs in the car so she would get used to drives. I also covered her cage whenever the movers were doing their thing.

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