Moving abroad


New member
Mar 3, 2025
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Black headed Caique called binky
Hey everyone, I’m new to this forum, I joined because I’m feeling really anxious. And thought people here might understand 😌
I relocated to Cyprus 2 years ago, but unfortunately I have to move back to the uk and obviously my bird must come back with me! The problem is, is that as well as the anxiety of her traveling! Once she gets to England she has to stay with my friend, as after a financially messy divorce I have to move in with my mum for 6 months who is scared of birds and won’t let me keep her at the house with me, so until I have my divorce settlement and can move into a house of my own my bird won’t be living with me 😔
For the last 7 years she has been my shadow and comes everywhere with me, she is my best friend and she is very territorial over other people around me typical Caique anger! I love her she even has her bedtime cage in my room (probably not the best but it works for us) 💚 Any way sorry to go on I’m just terrified for her one day getting in her travel crate away from me and her home then not living with me for months, I’m scared she will feel abandoned, any one had any similar experiences?
Love samatha & binky xx


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I wish you could convince your Mom that a little bird isn't going to kill her and let you keep her in your room. I saw my adult niece a few days ago and she's been afraid of birds since she was attacked by a goose when she was two years old. I can see being afriad of large birds but she was actually afraid of my gentle little 4 month old hand raised budgie! But she wanted to try to get over her fear and asked me to put my budgie on her outstretched arm! Isn't your Mom willing to either try, or let you keep him in a cage or in a closed room? Tell her that your bird will be more traumatized by the separation than she will be to have your bird in the house.
I wish you could convince your Mom that a little bird isn't going to kill her and let you keep her in your room. I saw my adult niece a few days ago and she's been afraid of birds since she was attacked by a goose when she was two years old. I can see being afriad of large birds but she was actually afraid of my gentle little 4 month old hand raised budgie! But she wanted to try to get over her fear and asked me to put my budgie on her outstretched arm! Isn't your Mom willing to either try, or let you keep him in a cage or in a closed room? Tell her that your bird will be more traumatized by the separation than she will be to have your bird in the house.
I know it’s crazy! She said it’s a hard no 😔 but I’m literally cuddling my bird now telling her I’m sorry 😔
I hate to say this but sometimes Mothers can be so selfish. When I was your age I had to have surgery that required general anesthesia, incisions, wound tubes and significant pain. My mom came to stay with me at my apartment for the first few days to help me. I had my bedroom and a sofa and she made ME sleep on the sofa right after surgery so she could have my bed! You'd think that with your situ ation she would show a little more empathy.
I hate to say this but sometimes Mothers can be so selfish. When I was your age I had to have surgery that required general anesthesia, incisions, wound tubes and significant pain. My mom came to stay with me at my apartment for the first few days to help me. I had my bedroom and a sofa and she made ME sleep on the sofa right after surgery so she could have my bed! You'd think that with your situ ation she would show a little more empathy.
Yes I would do it in a heart beat

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