Moved everything up


New member
Apr 26, 2011
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Just moved all my babies perchs up to about mid level, along with toys, food and such to the point where the bottom is just where the poo falls.

I'm a bit nervous as I don't want the poor baby to fall and hurt himself but I think I'm doing the right thing by doing this. He knows how to perch, he is a bit clumsy on moving on the perchs but I'm pretty sure he can grasp that pretty soon. To encourage staying at mid level I'm set on only picking him up if he goes to this little opening in the cage that is made for him to go through.

Am I doing the right thing? Do note he is nearly 6 weeks old, I don't want to rush anything.
I'm no expert, but Bob seemed to appreciate it when I moved his seed up.
Cameron is still on a hand feeding diet and just really beginning the weaning experience, so I don't think he has a huge preference as to where the food is at lol
I am no bird expert either, but I have common sense which is just a good a substitute! At 6 weeks I think its great that they are now more mobile with medim raised perches, they need to build up muscles otherwise they will render useless. Now I'm not saying without verticle mobikity they will become a plant,but just saying that its good advancement.
--As for the food try to get the baby arroused with the food visually and upclose to their tounge and beak since they don't have such a great sense of smell. He will get used to his surrounding therefore sprinkle a bit of his soft seeds(no sunflowers or peanuts or kettle) do so for a week or till you see fit. He will then most likely form a mental image of his nourishment and acknowledge what it is whether its in a bowl or on the floor. For weaning you may want to buy a lightcolorful/ed Quail bowl that sits on the bottom of the cage rsther than hanging. Hope this helps!
There's no need to worry about a baby not using his/her limbs around to build muscle even if there's no perch. A baby will crawl around rather you like it or not. I would not raise the perch too high since your trying to show him how to eat. Be a bit patient!!!

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