Moustache Parakeet questions


New member
May 12, 2019
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I'm not 100% sure, but I may have a red breasted parakeet. What I do know is that he's a naughty bird.
I'm looking for other people with Moustache Parakeets. This is my personal first bird and she's quite angry little loud mouth. I'm wondering what other people are experiencing with theirs.
Hi Huda,

There are not a lot of mustache parrot owners on here but they are in the Ringneck family, and those we have tons of. Ringnecks are notorious for a few things. Most are not fond of having a scratch like other parrot families do; individuals vary but by and large they do not. Ringnecks are also notorious for being opinionated in a lot of things. They can be really good talkers if you work closely with them, and they are curious.

If you direct your questions to the Ringneck forum members, I'm sure you'll get responses from folks with a lot of experience with them.
Thank you so much for your reply. I will get involved in that community.
Heres a video from a fellow moustache owner...


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