Morning bird/ evening bird


Jul 28, 2011
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Jardine's Parrot Abby
CAG Nemo
Hi, I couldn't find a post about this. I have a Mustache parakeet that loves to get up at 5am with me and sit in the bathroom and peek in the shower, talks just a typical "morning person" like me. Then I got Abby, who I tried to take in the bathroom and she just makes her horrible "nails on a chalkboard" sound... unhappy... so I leave her alone and covered until I go to work. At night my mustache goes to bed early (Like I would like to) but Abby is ready to play!... She becomes snuggly, sweet, talking... so I stay up as late as I can. but isn't it funny how they are?! Now I'm possibly adopting a Grey... wonder what he will be like!
Birds can learn to adapt to changes! You just have to give them time to adjust and learn the new routine.
Hi, I tried to get Abby to adjust to the morning... but I figure as long as she's happy, I'm happy to stay up with her at night... I wasn't complaining about her... just kind of funny how humans are the same. My boyfriend is a nightowl and likes to sleep late, me I'm in bed by 9 andup at 5
Then one bird is like you while the other one is like your bf! :)

Birds also have the ability to choose who they prefer better. We never force our birds to pick and choose between us. They make their pick, usually the male birds prefer me while the girls prefer my partner. I dunno why but that's usually what happens. I brought ekkies and the too home on my own and the moment Dixie the too and Gracie the ekkie sees my partner, they flew off to my partner and that was the end of it with me. But I've got all the boys that stays with me. Unless someone isn't feeling well, even the girls, they all come to me directly. They're just all too smart!!!

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