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Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
How about somewhere that we are able to share our grief over the loss of our beloved pets, Not only our birds,

Also somewhere where we are able to talk about our non-feathered pets, as I'm sure there are many people here who have other pets they would like to share.

I'm on a roll here! Hope you don't mind me posting all of these but if you don't ask you don't get!!!! :21:
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sunconure said:
Rainbow Bridge!

Yep. Go on tell me there is one here and its just my old eyes that don't see it!!!! Before posting this I took another look round, just in case, but no can't see it. :06:
That works for me, greylady. Most people who have a love of birds have many other creatures that share their lives.
Allowing us to bring that part of our lives to the board would be great.

Michael said:
Most people who have a love of birds have many other creatures that share their lives. Allowing us to bring that part of our lives to the board would be great.
:bunny7: Huh huh huh, I'm sure ya'll love to see pictures of my snakes. :jumping40
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SNAKES????? ARRRRRRRGH, Sorry but I'm a bit of a scardey cat, snakes and spiders do it to me every time. Oh go on then I'll look, For the time being you could always post them in the Off Topic forum. WHAT AM I SAYING.
Well, at least you didn't say "no," greylady! LOL
Karens has quite a collection of slinky creatures that creep, slither and crawl.
She's also really knowledgeable about them.

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Michael said:
Well, at least you didn't say "no," greylady! LOL
Karens has quite a collection of slinky creatures that creep, slither and crawl.
She's also really knowledgeable about them.


So glad I read that about creep, slither and crawl. :eek:

Sounds good though!!!!!!!!!
I like snakes and I used to have a ball python (ex-hubby took it), almost got killed once by a huge albino python or boa, not sure which was which, there were 3 huge snakes in the containment area at the pet shop I worked at. But I don't hold any hard feelings about it, it was totally my own fault I got wrapped up in the first place. (forgot to wash after cleaning the rodent tanks) I'm just glad (and lucky) there were 6 construction workers outside the place that were able to pry the snake off me before he did more damage. (Broke some ribs and had a nice bit mark on my arm).
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That makes me feel a lot better now that I've read that Alison. :eek:
Alison said:
almost got killed once by a huge albino python or boa, (Broke some ribs and had a nice bit mark on my arm).
Wow! Hands down, that was a Burmese python! No boa gets big enough to do that kind of damage to an adult. I've never "met" anyone who has had an actual first hand experience like that with a boid. It's always people saying, "I've heard", or it was
"a friend's brother's cousin's mother", etc. Glad you had those guys around to help and that they actually did help. ;) I've found that a lot of big guys become weak at the knee and want to run when they see a little baby snake.
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Okay Karen, I promise that I will take a look at the pics, I mean pics can't scare me that much..............................................can they!!!!!!
That makes me feel a lot better now that I've read that Alison.

Aww Greylady, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Don't worry, most snakes wouldn't do that, it was my stupidity that caused the accident.

I've found that a lot of big guys become weak at the knee and want to run when they see a little baby snake.

Well thank God they didn't. I could not have gotten that snake off me myself. It was too big and I was having a wee bit of trouble breathing with him hugging me so tight. Normally he was a pretty mellow snake.
greylady said:
Okay Karen, I promise that I will take a look at the pics, I mean pics can't scare me that much..............................................can they!!!!!!
I might be able to scare you! I do have several bite pictures. If one of my Cali. kinsnakes bites me, they tend to hold on so I have ample time to get the camera and for whatever reason I like getting pictures of them latched on my hand. I have 4 or 5 bite pics. I like weird pics. No it doesn't hurt or I wouldn't stand there taking a picture. :p A cockatiel bite is worse than the bite of any of my snakes. I only have small snakes, nothing huge like Alison tangled with.

This is a bird board and I figure that if people here really wanted to see pics of serpents, they would visit reptile boards. So I'll refrain from posting any snaky pictures. I have plenty of bird pictures to keep everyone occupied for a loooooong time to come.
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That sound good to me Karen, look forward to seeing some of your bird pics then. :04:

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