Mommy's gone !!!!!!


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
Mommy's gone to the dentist :eek:
Should I answer?


Yes Mishka, you should be mommy's answering service.
Mishka could have fun talking to all the telemarketers that call here. Wish I could get Ralph to answer the phone when they call. :D
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Mishka could have fun talking to all the telemarketers that call here. Wish I could get Ralph to answer the phone when they call. :D

Can you imagine Mishka talking to them, he would tell them to go to Cape Town to the bathroom to poopie :D

My son Steven is evil LoL when the telemarketers call here, he says geez my mom was phoning around inquiring (about what they are selling)
Hold on for her....... THEN he hands me the phone, and stands in front of me killing himself laughing :eek:

My son Steven is evil LoL when the telemarketers call here, he says geez my mom was phoning around inquiring (about what they are selling)

A few years ago when I had my old house on the market, I had a chance to get even with the telemarketers. :D I'd say to them, "No, I don't want to buy new windows (or whatever they were selling). But maybe you'd like to buy a house. It has four bedrooms, one and a half baths... " and I wouldn't stop talking 'til they hung up on me. :)
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My son Steven is evil LoL when the telemarketers call here, he says geez my mom was phoning around inquiring (about what they are selling)

A few years ago when I had my old house on the market, I had a chance to get even with the telemarketers. :D I'd say to them, "No, I don't want to buy new windows (or whatever they were selling). But maybe you'd like to buy a house. It has four bedrooms, one and a half baths... " and I wouldn't stop talking 'til they hung up on me. :)

I cut them short immediately say I am going into a meeting, not interested and please do not call me again
Your captions always put an INSTANT smile on my face. And the pictures and/or videos are just beautiful!!

Phone (telemarketer calling): ring ring...ring ring
Mishka: Hello. Mommy? I'm sorry...Mommy is cooking poopie you stupid.
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Your captions always put an INSTANT smile on my face. And the pictures and/or videos are just beautiful!!

Phone (telemarketer calling): ring ring...ring ring
Mishka: Hello. Mommy? I'm sorry...Mommy is cooking poopie you stupid.

Thanks for the lovely compliment Wendy (&)

You sure made me smile with your version if Mishka had to answer the phone :p


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