

New member
Feb 25, 2020
Hello everyone,

I noticed that my boy Dodo has been scratching himself a lot more than usual in the past few days. Pretty much all the time, to be honest.

I couldn't feel any pin feathers around the areas he has been scratching, which are mainly his cheeks and neck.

Could it be mites? I don't see any abnormalities around his feet/eyes/beak thoughâ‹Ż I also got pest control done in my house only a few days ago.

He is around 2 months old; Pineapple cinnamon GCC.

Thanks in advance! :green1:
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Welcome to Parrot Forum!

Mites are a possibility, but treating for them without a true verification is not a great idea.

What chemical did they use to treat your Home /Apartment unit? Some chemicals can cause serious health issues for Parrots, which could cause a reaction of this nature or worst.

Strongly recommend a visit to your Avian Professional!
FYI: Obtain the name of the chemical used in your home /unit to supply to your Avian Professional.
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I would STRONGLY recommend you seek help from a certified avian vet for your bird as he is very young. At, as you say, “around 2 months” he is still very likely not yet properly weaned onto adult food and I’m wondering a) what are you feeding him and b) whether his physical symptoms are related to him being way too young to have been sold. If you cannot contact a vet then you should seek help from whoever sold him to you because no companion parrot should ever be sold until it has been eating adult food for several weeks or more.

I wish you the best of luck!
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Thank you, SailBoat and LaManuka!

I used the white paper method last night to check for mites (putting a white paper in the bottom of the cage), and this morning I couldn't see any black/red clots. Hopefully that means it's not mites, but I will book an appointment with the vet just to be safe.

I don't think it is likely to be the pest control chemical as my other GCC appears to be fine.

And oops, I might have gotten the age wrong. The seller said Dodo was fully weaned, and I googled that most conures take 1-2 months to be weaned, so I just assumed he is around that age. Maybe he is not. I've attached a photo of him, maybe you guys can tell. He has been eating pellets alright, and I also give him fruit and seeds (still working on his veg intake haha).

Oh what a sweet baby :) Dodo is a cutie. Good luck at the vet and keep us posted!
You aren't using any chemical cleaners, lotions, spray etc in your home are you?--even things like essential oils and candles can irritate them in the air. Plus, anything on your hands can transfer to their feathers (even if you aren't aware---so wash with a bird-safe soap before touching).

I would seek veterinary assistance, as it could be mites but your bird is young and birds in general are very fragile. If he is scratching his head, it could also mean that he has a sinus infection or ear issue.

Humidity could be another factor to consider (in conjunction with the vet visit).

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