mites on my budgie?


New member
Nov 12, 2013
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my darling lovebird
i notice bamboo has been itching a lot today. almost continuously. he always itches a little more than i think is normal for him. im not sure whether he has just been preening or its itching all these days, so i shrugged it off. but today, hes itching continuously mostly behind his wing, and under his beak. a few times i saw him biting his legs too. it looks like he has mites!! and thats really bad, cause im going for my christmas holidays in 2 days time, and i wont be back for at least a fortnight. he will be with my neighbor, and i dont want any problems while im gone. how do i make out for sure whether its mites?
i dont have ay avian vet here so you will have to tell me how to treat mites too! im really worried, plz help me! thanks anyways! :greenyellow:
Hikes!! Your best bet would be advice from an AV but let's hope someone here can help with some tips. Have you googled a bit to see what could cause it? Perhaps you need to treat the cause as well as the symptom? I'm not sure, just guessing here.

Did you actually SEE critters on him? Isn't it maybe just dry skin? Perhaps a good bath would help?
yes, i tired giving him a neem bath(LOL)but its not helping. i thought i saw a smaaaaaaalllll tiny teeny tick kind of bug on him, but maybe it was nothing
Oh boy, I feel for you if they are mites....Ivermectin is your best bet for any type of mite.

if they are red mites, they will come on him at night time....scatt will work too but I prefer Ivermectin, it's what the vets use, and is most effective.
If they are feather, or scaley face mites it's a continuous problem.(those can also be on the legs and feet area)

A good soaking will on relieve it temporarily.

do you by any chance have any diatomaceious earth where you live?'s a brown powder.It's crush up crustaceans that cut mites up, and can be used for his cage would sprinkle it on the bottom of the tray, but it won't help him

mites are external as well, so I would give his cage a thorough cleaning, and I mean thorough. remove ALL toys, only replacing cleaned perches(new ones perferably)

does your neighbour know how to come onto the parrot forum should she need to ask any questions??
@momtopercy: not really. her English sucks and she is kinda old. well yeah, she does have her son, hes about my age, but hes my born enemy.:mad: i just hate him, ugh! i really need help from you guys, pleeeeeaaaase!
@ crimson: whats Ivermectin? do you think the pet store will have it? im really new to all this, you'll just have to tell me:o hehe!! whats scatt? will the pet store have that?? wat do you think?

oh yeah, my mom said i could give him these antibiotics. im no sure, cause they are for humans, not birds. what about homeopathy, if any of you use it for your birds? the store said we just mix normal human medicines in his water. but he dosent really drink more than 4-5 "sips" a day. this is driving me crazy!!:greenyellow:
Nooooo! Please NEVER give a bird human meds! I would not give my bird any form of medication, even homeopathic ones, if not under the supervision of an AV or previously recommended by your AV. Please be very careful - you wouldn't want your actions (however good the intention was) to harm your bird.

Also, I don't want to sound like the finger waving grown-up ;) but could you not make some sort of deal with "your enemy" just for the period your bird is under their care? I don't presume to know your life but are your issues with this boy more important than the health and wellbeing of your birdy?

Crimson is a very experienced parront - if I were you, I'd phone around and see if you can find the products she recommends. Good luck! I hope you can sort out the problem quickly otherwise you will be worried about your budgie all the time you are away. :)
I hole heartedly agree with momtopercey....never ever give your bird any type of human's not designed for them and WILL harm them, even though our intentions were good at the time.....we tend to forget they are teeny weeny animals!!!

Ivermectin is a clear treatment(looks like water) that you apply topically to the bird.
Pet stores normally do NOT carry this product, but farm supply stores do. If you do find some there, DON'T give it to him until you find out the correct dosage for your bird.....any vet would calculate the dosage for you.
You may have a better chance of purchasing SCATT, at your local pet store.It's a very similar product like Ivermectin, and will work.

If you cannot find these products.....the only thing I can suggest is get a CLEAN/NEW spray bottle, fill it with WARM water, adjust the nozzle on MIST and mist him daily.

remember to spray the water above his head so it falls ON HIM, don't spray directly AT him.
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okay, thanks a lot. im leaving tommorow, and ive left him with her overnight. im so worried about him :( i miss him already:( :(:(:( his itching really has come down again, but im still gonna beg my mom to take to the store after school. thanks a lot!!
P.S. wat if i already gave him some medicines?? i just checked out this sight, and gave it to him. hehe, im sweating cold,d.aGc

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