Missing my Tillie Bird


Dec 30, 2016
Northern CA
African Grey: Jasper
Blue and Gold Macaw: Lulu
Eclectus: Pickles
Just venting, no advice needed because there's nothing I can do for now.

Tillie my sweet GCC is I'm hoping just on a hormonal rampage. When we first got her, she was a sweet loving parrot. She would go to anyone, love on anyone. She seemed to settle on me as her person. I did spend the most time with her. Then my husband was layed off from work and he started spending more time with her. She made it clear that he was her man. She still let us hold and interact with her but she loved my husband. If he was around, she'd fly to be with him. She started to attack me. Not all the time, just some time. I learned that I wasn't allowed to take her off her cage at all. Not with a perch, not a shoulder, and definitely not a hand. OK I can live with that. Her play gym is on my computer table. I'd spend time with her there. I could tell when she was going to be "sassy" and bite me. So I'd back off. Recently, she started lunging at me from her play gym to get me. I would talk to her, not try to hold her and she would leap from her gym onto me to bite me. I'd put her back on her cage until she "cooled" off. Since I'm not allowed to get her off her cage, she'd either have to fly back to her play gym or wait for someone to come get her. Her cage is about 5 feet from me. Now it's escalated, I was standing next to my daughter Grace. I didn't even notice Tillie and she leaped onto my face and bit into my lip. I bled pretty good. I have no idea what brought that on. It makes me sad that I don't have the relationship I used to with Tille. You should see Grace and Tillie. They are so cute together. Tillie will dance for Grace, lay on her back for Grace, high five Grace. I just miss my sweet Tillie Bird. :17: I'm so hoping this is just a breeding season hormone rage that will end soon....
I have heard of this happening to other members here, and unfortunately sometimes it never gets better. The bird chooses their person and that's that. Do you work, or did you have any changes in your schedule or something? Any big change could've set her off, and she may have felt abandoned by/mad at you for the change, and is now defending her 'new' mate, your husband. I'm sorry that she isn't sweet to you anymore, I'm sure that is heart breaking. Hormones may be a factor, but the attacks/aggression may not improve, unless your husband goes back to work. Even then, she still may not be the same.

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