Missing my Grey


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Duluth, MN
Paco: Yellow Naped Amazon
Its been about 5 months since I have seen my little grey. I got deployed to Afghanistan and you don't realize how much you miss them till you are gone for a while. My wife has been taking care of him while I have been over here. He has learned so much while I have been gone, it's kind of like missing you kids doing things for the first time. Not too much longer and I will be able to see him again. Hopefully he remembers me..lol. Here of a few pictures of my Picasso!


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Thank you for your service! I hope you and Picasso can be reunited soon! :)
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Thank you. It always makes our day to hear of all the appreciation from the people back home. Only a couple of months left then i'll be reunited with Picasso. He has learned so many new words since I left, I am pretty excited.
Are you able to see videos of him online to hear his new words?
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Unfortunately no. All the video streaming websites are blocked over due to low bandwidth. All I can do is listen to my wife tell me about it. :(
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much for all you do! I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am to all of you serving to keep us safe! I'm sure it is so difficult to be away from Piccasso. I'm sure he will be very excited when he sees you again. Be prepared to be "wowed" when you get back by all he knows! Stay safe and God Bless!
One vet to another... thank you
I'm sure he'll remember you!

Can your wife put you on speakerphone so he can at least hear your voice? I'd have people do that when they were babysitting Puck, because I missed him. They said that sometimes it seemed like he knew I was on the other line.
From a Navy Chief who will be retiring in 15 days, thanks for your service Marine! Keep you head up and down as applicable and it will all be over with soon! Stay safe over there! OORAH!
From a retired USAF officer -- Thanks for Serving... It is really tough being separated from your family and flock. Come home safely.
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Thank you all for your appreciation and thank you for all who have or are serving right now in the military. I just can't wait to get home to my birdie!
Thank you for what you do. My hubby was in Iraq about two years ago, when he came home my Nappy knew him, she never forgot and Im sure your Picasso will remember you too. Best wishes
Thank you so much for everything! You are the kind of people that make us proud owners. We are a happy community because of you! Dont worry before you know it you an Picasso will be together again! You are in our prayers!
I had a near heart attack!

I thought your post meant that you had LOST your grey and were missing him (in the lost sense!)

Glad to hear that's not the case. I've not read through every post on this thread, so I apologise if it's been said, but I've heard of some people using Skype to say hi to their birds. Some birds like it, others get upset though because they can't touch you.

He'll remember you though. :)
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I had a near heart attack!

I thought your post meant that you had LOST your grey and were missing him (in the lost sense!)

Glad to hear that's not the case. I've not read through every post on this thread, so I apologise if it's been said, but I've heard of some people using Skype to say hi to their birds. Some birds like it, others get upset though because they can't touch you.

He'll remember you though. :)

Thank god that isn't the case. I would be beside myself if that happened. I hope I never have to deal with that.
Thank you for your service, Picasso WILL remember you - and try the speakerphone. Mine love the speakerphone.

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