New member
Hi I just got a breeding pair of U2's and im really excited , I was told by the old owner that the male was very aggressive , and the female very shy and stand offish (she was a pet once). But ,im confused , ,..because Both birds are VERY interactive, they love attention from people ,and look forward to us coming out to talk and visit them ,The male (Tarzan) comes up to the bars and talks and clicks his beak ,which from what iv read says he is happy ,we offer them treats throught the bars and they both very gently take themfrom us, he does not display or show any threatning behavior,granted he does try to pull things through the bars but that is commen with any cockatoo ive encounterd. The shy female(Jane) also is right up in your face wanting you to talk to her and she will play and run around and chitter and dance , she also likes to try to touch me lately with her feet also with no hostile behavior. Is it possible that the old owner missread their body language and was foolish enough to let them pull his finger into the cage ? Or are these birds acctually just wanting attetion from anyone.They had no toys when we got them and Jane is plucked , we filled the cage with toys ,replaced a perch and visit them several times through out the day , we also put a radio out their for them so they dont feel alone. I dont think they are mean ,I think they were miserable . Its sad to me that people do not understand how intelagent these birds really are.