Mishka - Who is stupid LoL


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
Mishka overheard Steven and I talking about Charlotte, the idiot, stupid woman who said Mishka should be in a bird park.

This is Mishka using the word stupid
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiQN8AvHQKE"]BEST TALKING PARROT IN THE WORLD MISHKA Who is stupid - YouTube[/ame]​

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lol, day by day birds are turning into humans. Really impressive on how she picked up the word. Has mishka ever picked up word you did not like ?
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lol, day by day birds are turning into humans. Really impressive on how she picked up the word. Has mishka ever picked up word you did not like ?

Sometimes I think Mishka is more human than bird...

I asked my son Steven to teach Mishka a word OMG my biggest mistake of my life

He taught Mishka to say (mommy is a lady of the night) w..re
Got to keep it clean here, kids on the forum as well.

This was 3 years ago, each time I walk past Mishka he call me a w..re
It has got the to stage, when he says the word, I say mommy is not a w..re... NOW when he says the word, he also says mommy is not a w..re.

The difficult part is when editing his video's..... I have to delete, delete and delete the word and sentance.
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This morning everyone and everything is stupid

Mishka keeps saying
The car is stupid, the birds are stupid, the water is stupid
Mommy's cooking is stupid, and the doggies are stupid

BUT the best is Oh mommy Steven is stupid stupid LoL
Is this ever going to stop !!!!!
Ant we know one thing for sure... Mishka is NOT stupid...

And mommy is not a lady of the night...... Right?
Luff ya.... :21:
Haha! Oh what a good laugh before I go to bed. "The car Is stupid, the doggies are stupid" oh how cute lol
Enjoy it, how could you not?! Lol!
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Haha! Oh what a good laugh before I go to bed. "The car Is stupid, the doggies are stupid" oh how cute lol
Enjoy it, how could you not?! Lol!

Thanks I do enjoy Mishka so much, you never know what he will come out with.

Today I must push the car to Cape Town to poopie :eek:

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